I recently watched the movie "Knowing" and it got me thinking about the myan calendar and all that shit...... Whats everyone's thoughts on this. It looks to me like the myans wern't wrong very much. Lets hope they are this time.:icon_confused: http://www.december212012.com/ http://www.december212012.com/articles/general_information/Chronology_of_Events.htm
Oh yeah. Didn't see the flick. The return of Quetzalcoatl/Kulkucan/Christ. Looking forward to it. Good times.
i wasn't realy askin about the movie(movie says nothing about the myan calandar) i was just saying that the movie got me thinking about the myan calandar that predicts the end of the world is december 21st 2012, and idk if the myans were ever wrong at this kind of stuff so its kinda like wtf is the world realy gonna get fucked in 2012?:icon_confused:
ive neva heard no such rummor of tha world ending in 2012 hell last thing i eva heard was we all was gonna die 2000 hahah y2k bull WOW i dnt even kno wat a myan is:bong2:
http://wcbstv.com/services/popoff.aspx?categoryId=799&videoId=56327@wbbm.dayport.com&videoPlayStatus=true&videoStoryIds=56327@wbbm.dayport.com&videoTime=45.113& try that link its video from CBS about 2012 and being end of the world way to much for me right now to spaced out assit:
Apparently a movie is coming out later in the year called "2012". Made by the dudes that bought us Independence day. Heres the trailor As for my own beliefs, i believe there is a mayan calender thats ends on dec 21st, 2012. But like all calenders it begins again on Dec 22nd
yea i think it will jus be another Y2K scare to make money i think things will jus decrease like jobs and shyt till we all end up jobless and homeless and rot to death on tha streets by plegs or some kind of virus like in Resident Evil :bong2:
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius The theory I believe is that it's not the end of the world, but the end of an "age' which refers to the precession of the equinoxes. Each age lasts 2160 years. We are now in the age of Pisces and Dec 12, 2012 (or somewhere around this time) is when we move into the age of Aquarius. When the Moon is in the seventh house And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius The age of Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius
Since the Mayan civilization all of a sudden vanished off the face of the earth I think that December 21, 2012 was the last day they had recorded on their calender when they became no more. Average Joe has it right it is the beginning of a new age, and place in space time haha.:bong2: IDK just my:2c:
Booyah thats what was thinking..... I am an aquarius, born on the cusp. I would quite like to live in a world of peace and love, let's hope.
^^^word canna girly^^^^ We both are the same sign as are some other members. Good post Joe and now singing me and canna's song
Who cares If the world somehow "ends" on that date? It won't matter because we will be dead. You can't enjoy life if you worry about death.
In the '70's this rumor started that a baby was born in a hospital in Chicago. The baby had a blue cross on its forehead. It spoke in an adult voice and said to repent, because the world would end that Sunday. The baby then flew through a window and vanished. Who knows, maybe it did. Things have been going to hell since then. :icon_scratch:
I have a suggestion to keep you all occupied......learn to swim...learn to swim. I hope it all wipes away. Not that it will.