Do all organic nutes smell bad?

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by HappyHappyHighGuy, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I'm using Earth Juice organic nutes. They have bat and seagull guano, among other ingredients. I assume that's what makes it stink. Do all organic nutes smell bad?
  2. HighGuy™

    HighGuy™ Begun Flowering

    I use FF products and I've never noticed any bad smell.
  3. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Metanaturals doesn't have a bad smell at all. Some quano's and manures can smell but using premixed ferts usually isn't as smelly.
  4. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I was under the impression that Earth Juice nutes are premixed. It's several ingredients (including guano) mixed together in a bottle. Either way, it smells like shit (literally). I think I'll try a different brand for that reason alone.
  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I read that if one bubbles their mix with a air pump and stone it will help.

    The bad smell is from anaerobic organisims

    Adding air can kill them and add helpful aerobic ones.
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    the bio-bizz grow i use during veg is plain nasty and it does stink man but the flowering nutes dont smell bad.... probably cos the pungent smell/aroma of MJ plants hides it:wink:
  7. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Ill put it this way my meta's smell bad in the bottle but it's not overpowering since it doesn't incorporate fish emulsion... Once the Meta's are mixed up in water and bubbled, there is no detectable odor even right up to the gallon jug...

    you fella's should try metanaturals.. all the benefits of organics with minimal almost non detectable smell once mixed....

    also 100% organic and OMRI listed.. all the chelating ingredients are natural too.. hell their organic calcium used venegar as the chelating agent.. anyways I would much rather deal with a little smell than smoke radioactive plants.
  8. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    That was the problem. I didn't have an airpump in the resevoir, so the water became stagnant. I added an airstone and don't have the problem anymore. Even though there is still a smell of bat shit, it isn't overpowering.
  9. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER


    Some do, like My "BIO-GROW"(GROW NUTES!!!) ONLY smell bad and there are all ORGANIC that i use to anhance my plants!!!

    (smells like rotton EGGS man!)

    Peace Out,

    UrBigBuddie..........:sign13: :) :punk: :qbluewacko:
  10. TRUBoss

    TRUBoss Banned

    i have used blood and bone meal on my outdoor grow and occasionaly i made tea

    i didnt notice the bad smell in the spring but over the summer where it got hot

    it will smell

    but if you are growing outside you have to be carefull because animals will dig your plant up
  11. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    Ive used so many organic nutrients like Age Old Organics,Metanaturals,Bio Bizz Products,Pure Blend Pro and Fox Farms and there all good nutrients.

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