drug test

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ZitRemedy, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    OK, everyone i need opinions. What is the best product I can use to pass a drug test? I dont smoke a whole lot (1-2 times a day, ocassionally 3 times) and i dont smoke every single day. I have this job opportunity and i need it real bad and i have to pass a drug test. Please, anything other than the urinator type deals. I weigh about 200 pounds, my test is on tuesday. I am excited yet i nervous, last time i had to take a test i was sober, so it wasnt a worry. PLease help!
  2. Octoberbuds

    Octoberbuds Begun Flowering

    well if they send your piss to a lab and u take some kind of flush they will be able to tell that your piss is diluted. If it's diluted they will probably count it as dirty. If they just do a strip thing or the little pee on thing you might be ok if you flush. And if they use the non lab u should just drink alot of water till ur piss turns very clear then go and take the test. PPL might tell u different but for over a year i was taking test 3 times a week in this program that was court appointed and taking all those test I have tried alot of ways to get around it. If you could wait a few week (2.5 or 3) and don't smoke that would be your best bet. Oh ya if they do hair test your fucked because they go back like 3 months. There is shampoo out there but they don't work really. I have heard of times that they did but my personal frind tried to use and so did i and it didn't work.
  3. mWHOim

    mWHOim New Sprout

    have someone else piss for you.
  4. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    well, if i were to get someone else's piss, how would i go about keeping it warm and all that? I know guys in the union who are tested often and they always pass their tests with cleaning products, i guess it depends on how the lab is. One friend who works at the place said he was never tested, and he started 3 months ago. Im praying that all will turn out ok, i believe it will, i just get nervous quite easily, and this is one of those times i am nervous! I had some cleaning tablets but my one friend needed them before me, so i sold him my tablets. He used them and he passed his test, so I may go for a couple bottles of those tablets. Thanks for info and any future info i may get on this thread.
  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Like BM said. There is nothing better than piss from someone clean. Just put it on a condom, or other container that you can stash between your legs, unless you are on probation ,or something they are not going to stay in there with you anyway.
  6. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    Yeah, I do the same thing that starfleet commander says to do, I just the tape the container to the inside of my leg with duck tape. I usually use a ziplock bag, I double bag it in case of a leek.
  7. Police

    Police Guest

    The best way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.
  8. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur


    Quote: from Police on 12:19 pm on Sep. 10, 2005
    The best way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.


  9. Police

    Police Guest

    I see your amused by my theory.
  10. mWHOim

    mWHOim New Sprout

    im sure she was laughing at you, not with.
  11. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    That's got to be the dumbest answer I ever seen at GK. Leave it to a pig to come to a grow sight and say that. You must be a strait.

    So what is a rookie doing at GK?



    Quote: from Police on 10:19 am on Sep. 10, 2005
    The best way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.

    (Edited by georged5150 at 5:31 pm on Sep. 10, 2005)
  12. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    ok, this is whatI did and it worked. The day of, 3 to 4 hours before your test yo mix a 1 gallon container of orange juice concentrate, 2 ounces of white viniger and the rest water dont eat that morning. the viniger is not bad taisting but helps to keep the ph normal when tested.

    start drinking it so all of it is gone about an hour before the test.oh, take 3 or 4 b vitimins and a multy to keep color in you urine. I had'nt smoked in a week and I passed. when you pee in the cup fill during mid stream. the begining and the end are the dirty part that you dont want. good luck
  13. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    2 ounces of white viniger and the rest water dont eat that morning. the viniger is not bad taisting but helps to keep the ph normal when tested.
    start drinking it so all of it is gone about an hour before the test.oh, take 3 or 4 b vitimins and a multy to keep color in you urine.

    Only a chemist or biologist would be privvy too such evil coolness.

    [rubs palms vigoursly and arches brow]

    He's right on the money if your bladder can handle it, and you're a lean person...give it a whiz!
  14. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur


    Quote: from mWHOim on 6:40 pm on Sep. 10, 2005
    im sure she was laughing at you, not with.


    alright! I have been here for 2000 posts. I figured that by now at least the veterans would know I am a dude. not a girl.however, i cannot recall any direct conversation between BelowMe/mwhoim. i realize, now, wawona has a female ring to it, but i got it from a street in san francisco that has special meaning to my WIFE and I. also seems to be a small town in northern cali. nothin' i can do about that now. I don't think that I have ever posted that statement publicly. I have testicals :biggrin:

    :animbong: wa

    (Edited by wawona at 1:29 am on Sep. 11, 2005)
  15. mWHOim

    mWHOim New Sprout

    dude, i knew you were a dood all the time.

    i hit the H and the S button at the same time.
  16. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    LOL. my bad. valium, lortab and pot has control of my mind :biggrin:

    :animbong: wa
  17. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I was going to chime in on that, but I was thinking maybe he was just fucking with the Pig, Fucking the Pig,Ha :wink:
  18. Police

    Police Guest

    Isn't that what your mom was doing last night you star trek loveing punk.
  19. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Better than fucking a neighbor in the ass, pig. Isn't that what you do for a living,pig?You won't be on here long anyway Pig.
  20. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor


    Quote: from Police on 12:20 pm on Sep. 11, 2005
    Isn't that what your mom was doing last night you star trek loveing punk.

    [​IMG] <--- POLICE


    SFC is right... YOU WON'T BE AROUND LONG!

    And, what is wrong with Star Trek?

    (Edited by XXsnickelfritz420XX at 2:19 pm on Sep. 11, 2005)

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