DWC using AN sensi grow/ bloom and big bud

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by itgrowsindawater, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. itgrowsindawater

    itgrowsindawater Germinated

    Has anyone experienced with setup of nutes and what other stuff would be necessary to harvest huge yields......I will be using a 400 m/h, air stones, info needed
  2. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    good choice w the AN...If you can swing it, run the entire 2+program...it did wonders on a plant ive had for a few years and grown w many brands of nutes and many different systems..RO water makes a huge diff w any nute so I highly recomend that, as well as using any type bene to aid in nutrient uptake......Icant say enuff how impressed I am w the voodoo , tarantula, piranha, and scorpion. veg a little taller if you are using the budblood and/or the B-52 as they are both PGR's and will limit verticle growth . Italian women are gorgeous but mean. try the carbo load as well.....adn in the future, id use a more active system than just a bubbler
  3. itgrowsindawater

    itgrowsindawater Germinated

    whats Ro water... and at what times would you use the other nutes?
  4. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    RO stands for Reverse Osmosis......look at the "nutrient calculator" at the AN website and type in your rez size, and length of flowering , to get the mix for the 2+ program http://advancednutrients.com/

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