Earth Juice!!! Gimmie da juice!

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Roma1703, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. Roma1703

    Roma1703 Developed Alternating Nodes

    Hey this is the organic fert im usin for my clone thats in late flowering. Just picked it up at my local hydro shop.

    Earth Juice Bloom

    Anyone use this stuff? How good was it? Easy to overfert?

  2. -=|[Chronnor]|=-

    -=|[Chronnor]|=- Developed Alternating Nodes

    Hey I just baught Earth Juice Grow (2-1-1) and I just add 1 tablespoon (15ml) per gallon of water, the guy who sold me it told me that it will bring my pH level down quite a bit, I dont know if it is the same for what u have there or not
  3. Roma1703

    Roma1703 Developed Alternating Nodes

    yea u got the one for Veg i got the one for flowering.
  4. SilentKnight68

    SilentKnight68 Germinated

    Last time I used E.J it killed my plants. I have heard it is not good for Mj plants.. not positive though, but it killed mine.
  5. Roma1703

    Roma1703 Developed Alternating Nodes

    Well did ya dilute the Earth juice to a half teaspoon? Earth juice is suspose to be one of the best ferts for MJ. Fox Farms, Ionic, Earth Juice, and a few more i cant remember right now.

    i started using Earth Juice not too long ago and im having a positive response to my MJ plants. their swelling up nice n juicy.:cool:
  6. SilentKnight68

    SilentKnight68 Germinated

    well, yeah I guess I was overdoing it. damn. I use FoxFarm Soils and Big Bloom along with some other stuff. I need a new fert. I'll give it another shot too.
  7. Roma1703

    Roma1703 Developed Alternating Nodes

    yea just start watering in very diluted strength of each like maybe 1/8th it reccomends if u have that many ferts. then work ur way up.

  8. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    earth juice rec

    ywith earth juice u wanna let tea up like with bat guano put in 5 gallon water container at correct dosage and aireate for 1-3 days then check the ph it should rise to 6-7 if not let circulate longer it has to break down thought this might help late matt
  9. toker69

    toker69 Germinated

    I was thinkin about using earth juice, My first choice was fox farms but alot of ppl on here has said its just as good if not better, so im gonna give it a shot :cool:

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