Earth Juice

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by OutlawGardner, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. OutlawGardner

    OutlawGardner Knees in the breeze

    Does anyone else here have major issues with the smell of Earth Juice? This is my 7th grow, but first using this stuff. I'm thinking of scrapping it after only two feedings and going back to straight guanos.
  2. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    I've "heard" EJ is composed from human sewage, but dunno the facts.

    EJ stinks, most of your organic ferts have a less than pleasant odor.Fish emulsion, alfalfa, guanos. "Age Old" brand is one full spectrum fert that I found that doesn't.
  3. OutlawGardner

    OutlawGardner Knees in the breeze

    Thanks 4Q2. Although the guanos aren't exactly pleasant, I've never had a big problem. The smell goes away in a few hours and the fragrance of good weed permiates again, but with the EJ, it stays for days and smells something awful. I just gave both bottles to my buddy who grows outdoors and loves the stuff. Unless someone's got a better idea, I think I'll check out the Age Old products. Thanks again.

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