ever used one of these?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by hygrade, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

  2. Nilzar

    Nilzar A Fat Sticky Bud

    Not I, but I would spend the extra 10 bucks and get the 4" from HTG Supply, it has 30 more CFM then that fan. which is just under a 20% increase in air movement for only 10% increase in cost.


    Or my hydro shop can get 170 cfm fans with a three year warrenty for 99, I diddnt see anything about a warrenty with the other ones, Ill even deleiver it to ya to save on shipping for the price of blazing a bowl w me. :suave:
  3. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    I will blaze a few with you if you want to deliver one to me to....lol.
  4. Nilzar

    Nilzar A Fat Sticky Bud

    Too damn far for that one bro... but if I ever make a run up NY again ill pass by on the way.
  5. gizmo_barks

    gizmo_barks Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I tare apart old fans that go over an American stove.

    You know, the ones that suck up the grease and shit.

    ....some of them adjust for air flow.

    But then, I'm country folk.

    Gotta love the country.
  6. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Forget hydro shops for fans, Over Priced to all hell.

    ---> Grainger.

    Go in and open a 'handy man' business account there since they only sell to businesses and man, you can get the same sized fans at almost 1/2 the cost. I got a 8" in my attic that sucks up from the cloest and pumps it right through the filter up there. 430 or so CFM for $80.

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