I Read up on More Training /Growing techniques in the FAQ, I decided to go with the Jogging Meathod. Heres a Pic after I just got finished "jogging" my plants, Let me know what you guys think or what suggestions you have. Or If you see anything wrong. All plants were about 12inches tall when I did this and Have been on 12/12 for 3 days now.
Yah im alittle confined its a 4h x 2w x 1.6D room, there in 4.5q pots now, I think I could squeeze 4, 3gal pots,Hopefully. But 3gal is as big as I can go Im probably gonna get square pots try and save some room. Im probably gonna feed them with Grow big one or two more times, because they are ready to flower considering its leafing from the nodes. time since I only ferted them for the first time 2 weeks ago because I started without the ferts. Hopefully my next grow should look beefier as I'll be starting the ferts on time.
Ya well someone gave me bad advice and said my plants were ready to go into flowering already because it had leaves growing from the nodes but Personally I thought they were still to small to begin flowering, Im prolly gonna go back to 18/6 cyce maybe 14/10. They are all about 12inches tall already. but ya I had the same idea to vegg them alittle longer. You can check my GK garden all the things im using are listed in the garden discription im running a 250w HPS for 4 plants. If I ever expand my grow I might go to a 400w and sell the 250hps
If you're running a 250W then 12" is a good height to flower at. I ran a 430W and flowered when the plants got to be 15" or so. These were clones however and already sexually mature. If your plants have not grown alternating nodes yet then yes...veg them longer till they do then go to 12/12. If you do plan to veg longer go with the 18/6 cycle....anything less may still force them to stay in flower or keep them suspended.
Hmmm? Well im gonna try vegging them a bit longer at least untill the lower branches/leaves get bigger, The way im looking at it now, Each plant still has one potential bud site at the top of the plant, I want to get 3-4 sites out of each plant, even if each bud isnt huge, it should still yeld an overall good amount per plant. 2 of the plants already have 3-4 spots that are growing well im just waiting for the others to catch up and the main stems to fatten up alittle more.
yeah dude, u definately need to veg those for much longer. id say at least another 3 weeks to a month
Ya thats exactally what I was thinking, I can understand why people who are more experienced at this than me told me not to vegg for 3-4 months because If I started the ferts when your supposed to they would be bigger and more developed by now, But my plants didnt get the ferts to boost them for the 2, 2 1/2 months that they have been growing, Shit the first month when they were babies they were in a window sill. I had to do alot of equipment moving from place to place because of other factors that brought the police to my friends appartment. They saw the plants and my grow box and didnt touch a thing, I wasent their at the time but I got all my shit out of there real fast. Im not dissapointed in this grow as its the longest one I have been able to sustain and yet to see any major problems with the plants. My next grow will be much more "on point" as I'll be keeping scedual on a calender to water/Fert and making more detailed notes on the Growthrate over periods of time.