Fish emulsion feeding??

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by HillbillyHemp, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    This will be the first year that I'm using fish emulsion as a primary vegatation stage feeder. After much searching this forum and google as well to no avail, I'm wondering if anyone here can help me out.

    I've used Fishemul in the past, but never as my primary feeder during veg. It was always used as a supplement feeder. So my question is, what kind of feeding schedule is ok with fishemul? I'm using Alaska Fish fertilizer. 5-1-1.

    The directions on the bottle of this brand suggests 2 tbsp/gallon. In the past years I used a diff brand that suggested 1 tbsp/gallon. So far with my young plants I've kept it gentle at 1 tbsp/gallon.

    Veg. Ferts I've used in the past were much stronger than 5-1-1, and used at the rate of 1 tbsp/gallon. So, can fishemul be used at stonger strenghts, say 2 to 3 tbsp/gallon and/or be applied every 7 days?
  2. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    fish emulsions are incredible.

    stinky and might attract unwanted visitors with outdoor usage.

    also good for foilar apps
  3. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    I hear ya! That's why I don't use bone meal anymore. Some critter dug the dirt out of 13 holes one year because I added BM. I was so pissed. :BangHead:
  4. 420

    420 KING

    fish emulsions, ehh.... I have never seen anything amazing done with em, I prefer use guanos rich in nitrogen and phosphorus during veg, and jamaican guano rich in potassium and phospohrus for flower, but if fish emulsion's what you got your heart set on then use about one Tablespoon per gallon.

    oh and about that foliar feeding, stay away from it!!! It washes off a crap load of nutrients that only the plant can provide for itself, aswell as valubual nitrogen on the leaves. It will eventually lead to SERIOUS SERIOUS deficiency later in life! It may work for el camp cuz hes in a tropical enviroment, but in cold, or even slightly dry places it will slowly but surely retard your plants.


  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I have.


  6. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    Nice bud. :)

    I don't have my heart set on just dead fishes. I guess I didn't phrase what I typed in so well. Stoned

    I use clean chicken litter grown right here at my home for my main source in my soil mix. I want to use something organic as my main feeder when watering.

    Damn nice bud RH! :bigok: I can almost taste it!
  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I agree tho fish emulsion is stinky and not for everyone..

    It's part of a feeding program I have done. I also add brewed coffee and liquid kelp to the mix.

    It works for me here. I don't know if it would for others.

    And thanks HillBilly Hemp!

    I started out here at GK not knowing much so it is a great place and a place I try to share what I have done and the experiences I have had.

    I hope I'm not acting all big and shit...
  8. noone

    noone Full Flowering

    Whats the coffee for?

  9. 420

    420 KING

  10. noone

    noone Full Flowering

    ahh , thanks

  11. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well yeah nitrogen and also I feed the soil with ground coffee so my microbes are trained to eat coffee and by the results I've smoked I think they are caffeine junkies.. Slaves to Joe.. ( Humor )

    But, people say my weed was LSD like. This year tho I let it go longer and it's more sedative.

    These are just my choices for organic materials. Hell we can use what we want.
  12. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    SORRY, but I have to jump in here.....

    you are so completely wrong on this that it makes me cringe and leaves me at a loss for words.

    you have NO knowledge of what you say.
  13. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    I didn't post a reply to that El C cuz it seemed...... well you said it.

    Foliar Feeding done right works well.
  14. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    bone meal is great for phosphorus but...

    Bone meal is great....but aren't for folks that are vegetarians and don't like to promote hurting animals and such...

    Indonesion Bat Guano or Peruvian Seabird Guano is a good alternative for vegetarians...since no animals are hurt.

    Randy is correct; fish emulsion ain't for everyone...It Stinkz!!!

    Use Mexican Bat Guano or Peruvian Seabird Guano for your nitrogen needs instead! Guano tea is da Sh*t !!!


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