floro grow lights

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by DANK WIZARD, Mar 26, 2005.


    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I am on a limited budget so I am forced to use what I have which is 10 four foot tube floros.I can aford to replace two or three bulbs at a time.Right now I have 5 day light and 5 cool white.Which ones should I replace? And with what type. I have 40 cubic feet in between my bulbs and the soil. I train my plants to grow horizontally an inch below the bulbs. I on 13/11 cycle and all the buds are the size of marbles, they are looking good just slow going.Will full spectrum bulbs speed them up?
    Tkank you
  2. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    yes full spectrum would be closer to the suns spectrum than regular flos.  You said you are using tubes..make sure your tubes are basically touching the tops of MJ.  Double check the light by holding your hand under it for 30 seconds, if you can withstand the heat so can your MJ.  Flo's should be no more than 6 inches away.  Also, try surrounding the sides of your grow area with flat white boards or reflective material to get full use of all the lumens. I hope this helps...happy growing.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I thought a 2 warm to 1 cool worked well.

    I would do this with 10:

    I would make 1 & 3 cool 2 & 4 warm , 5 & 6 warm, 7 & 9 warm, 8 & 10 cool.

    Oh and yes the buds are always smallish.. The Quality can be Tops imo.. Just not so much of it as I remember.

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