My oldest plant has been under the flowering light for 2 weeks and its grown prbabily around 8 inches but it hasnt started to bud yet, I have some fertilizer for it but I dont think its doing well so what would be the best fertz I could get for it to help it flower and hopefuly produce big buds. Thanks
... flowering is not induced by ferts, it is induced by the light cycle. If you aren't flowering under any MH/HPS type of lights, then it can take longer. Do you know the sex? sometimes it can take 1-4weeks for a plant to sex, and after it sex's, you will have to wait 2-8 weeks for it to fully bud. The red spectrum HPS offers can bring sex of a plant on earlier. atleast since it is taking soo long, you may have all females..but you should see something any day now, they being to appear all of a sudden sometimes, even with in a few hours.
I believe this is a female but im not 100 % sure yet, another plant of another strain turned out to be male and it showed it about 2 weeks ago but it wasnt under a flowering light at all. My other 2 plants are still smaller, about half the height of this one, but one of thoses was planted about 2 months after the first 4 were but one died. So about how long from when I put it under the flowering light to when the bud is harvested? Also the flowering timer is set to 15/9, should I set it to 12/12 and how do I control the height cuz this ones getting big and if it has to grow for another month or two it could out grow the area its in.
Well what exactly do you mean you're not 100% sure if it's female or not has it just not shown, aslo what to you mean by "flowering light"? HPS? What?
Damn It Meatwad Everywhere You Go Something Dies Or Gets Hurt! Everybody Hates Me Because They Die Or Get Hurt! Well Squirelly Dudent Hate Me, Love Me! Where"s My Buddy Squirelly? Oh Here He Is, I Found Him Face Up In The Hallway After You Last Little Hug! Squirelly No!! Squirelly.......squirelly! Yea I Think You Better Stop Hugging Him Now He's Starting To Smoke!