Food stuffs in the soil

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I have been one to use food stuff like coffee grounds and coffee itself.

    I'm wondering how many people do the same.
  2. highteksoul

    highteksoul New Sprout

    How do you apply it to your plants?
  3. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    I don't do it on my mj, but my mom always did it on houseplants... my granny used to load up the compost pile with old coffee grounds. It's good stuff; decomposes quickly, turning into compost rather quickly. And bug-free compost at that.

    And do correct me here if I'm wrong, but doesn't it buffer the pH of your soil a little bit, too? I was kinda wondering about that.
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    No never had a PH problem. It does breakdown fast.

    hightecsoul I sometimes just sprinkle a bit around the ground or mix it in if I'm turning the soil.

    I sprinkle it lightly.
  5. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    hmmm... Since it breaks down so quickly and it's sure to be bug-free, Coffee Ground Compost Organic Tea? Coffee grounds and egg shells could be composted easily indoors...

    Hmmm... Maybe I should try this. Can't beat the cost. What have I got to lose?

    I've got a sun-porch. I'll probably do it there.
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Easy does it.

    I had a big soil box mind ya. Big enough to support hot composting and it did.

    My experience is that I can add coffee grounds or even fresh moderately.

    Here is one for ya Hold, brew a pot of coffee and add it to fish emultion.

    That's what I mean by using food stuffs
  7. Kathmandu

    Kathmandu Veggy Stage

    60lbs of Starbuck coffee grounds!!! Whahooo!

    I just made my weekly run over to Starbucks, which is next door to me. Picked up a big load of java grounds today--60lbs. That's a lot of damn coffee drinkers in my area one week!:eek: No wonder there's so much road rage around here. Everyone's wired!

    It's usually around 45-55lb bags I get from them. All free! The owner gives me a steep discount on java becuase I'm basically taking the trash out for her.

    My compost corner is going to be perking later today...Hazelnut and Kona!!! Sweet!!! :D
  8. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    It's like your kids are getting something that my kids aren't. And I'm jealous! You'd never have to buy soil if you composted that indoors without bugs!
  9. Kathmandu

    Kathmandu Veggy Stage

    Too funny!

    It's like your kids are getting something that my kids aren't. And I'm jealous! You'd never have to buy soil if you composted that indoors without bugs!

    Been composting since '94. Pour some compost tonic in there to start it: ammonia, beer and sometimes corn syrup. Wet it down and let it brew!
  10. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Now I noticed that beer can start the pile going!

    I poured out a half beer and where it went the pile heated.

    I wonder what aspect of it causes microbe action?

    IS beer nitrogen?

    Oh and with that much coffee grounds I bet you can lime them a bit.

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