Hey just thought I'd share a funny story with you guys. Well about 2mo back when I was practically living at my friends appartment, I had all my grow equipment set up in a back room. The power got shut off out of no where one day and I guess my friends were bored and drank way to much one day and decided to go out one night and open unlocked cars and take the change, LOL. Now I dont know how the Idea came about or why they thought It was a good idea, probably, very bored sitting somewhere with no electricity, but they got busted. when the cops brought him back to the house he gave up all the stolen stuff with no problems, The cops looked in the back room saw the 4 plants and my growbox. The suprising thing is, Nothing was touched or confiscated, even though they could have. When I found out what happend the next day I asked my friend what happend, and she told me the cops were like Hey thats a nice growbox you got their you got all the lights and everything too, You should get the power turned back on so you can get those plants growing. Regardless of his sarcastic comments, that I found hilariouse, A cop still complemented me on my growbox But then again I had to setup a covert operation real quick to get all my stuff out of there and make sure I wasent being followed or watched. After all this It ended up back at my house, But my rents don't think its a "good idea to grow pot" and they took my extension cord that I ran to my closet. So now I got 4 plants sitting unhappily in the dark and im trying to yet again move my stuff to a good friends house who I inspired to get into growing after I answered a few of his questions. I made a mistake about letting a few ppl know what I was doing, So my new plan is to tell people all the plants died bc of my rents and move my stuff to another location and tell everyone the same story. Hopefully now since I have a partner he will match up some of my equipment and we'll b working with 2 250w HPS lights and Go from 4 plants to 8 because the area he has is much bigger than my closet. OR split the room into 2 seperate ones for Veg and flowering
Some friends of mine got arrested with some weed i gave them.....The police had it on the hood talking about how good it looked and smelled made me feel good
... best thing to do is to tell them they all died and never speak of it again to them. Don't even smoke any with them unless you can come up with a lie of where it came from, because they will probably be shocked to see goood fresh bud, and want to know where to get it. Telling them after a harvest still can cause problems later if you are going to harvest more crops. You never tell anyone you are growing, not even your own best friends/family. People like to brag about what other people do and have. They will only be jealous, and don't be shocked to think even your closest lifetime smoking buddy would rip you off if he thought he could get away with it.
Damn yeah never tell anyone that you grow. You are at high risk of getting busted already. I think even if your stuff is at your friends the police might be watching where you are going to and coming from same difference. But then again the cops could have already arrested your other friends when they saw the plants and equipment. Maybe they are or where smokers and dont give a shit if you grow. Im not trying to make you paranoid but these are facts that you created. Mr.Dope
plastik is dead right! and i got one that will beat that story. i was busted a few years back with 2 and 1/2 pound of stuff i growed myself. along with some percs and zannies. a bunch of county sherriffs and a few city police came in my house and took my shit. even took my little girls piggy bank!! they wrote me a receipt for everything they took, and told me they would be back later in the week to talk about what was going to happen as far as court or jail. they never came back!! two weeks later some black motherfucker was selling MY same weed about two blocks from the courthouse!!! i know it sounds crazy, but i know it was the exact weed that the cops took from my house, i know because i growed it!!! ovcourse there was nothing i could do about it, but it is the damndest shit ive ever seen as far as cops go. i still havent heard another thing about it! fuckin wierd huh?
Ya, me and my friend both agreed on what Plastik said, were gonna tell everyone they died because they had no light. As far as your best friend ripping you off, I don't know about you or how you handel things but me and my friend are both on the same page as far as being tired of waiting on dealers and getting beat. I wouldnt even consider letting him in on my grow if I had the slightest question in my mind that he would screw me. And we go by the unwriten law of friends, He would never try and stick me, if he did even if it was like 50 bux, he knows I'd never speak to him again or anyone I knew who did that to me for that instince. Also, ppl know what happend to the last person who beat me cash on some trees, I hunted his ass down untill I saw him, beat the shit out of him and stole his money out of his pocket. Apparently people found out about this and word got around that im not the right person to fuck with, It's funny because people who know me, know im a chill person, but people who don't know me think they can beat me cuz my first impression is that im a nice person, then they fuck with my money and find out real fast that I can be a nasty sob. Most of the people around here are pussies and talk out their ass. Thats why I skip the pointless phone conversations and start looking asap.
Ya man you gotta show people your a passive beast after i got robbed i finally saw the guy i believed who robbed me for my harvest and i just waslked up to him and saked so hows it taste mother fucker. The dude was like uh uh man it wasn't me and then i was like how to you even know what i'm talking about when no one has told you in the first place, then he couldn't form a sentence and i'm a small guy 5'6" and about 145lbs i just started shoving him around and shit the dude wouldn't do anything back for the longest then pushed me back and tried swinging i dodged that shit hit him in the draw and tripped him took him to the ground had his arms under my kness with my left hand around his neck punched him one time on the ground and told him don't ever let me catch you around my way again or you'll get it a lot fucking worse! got up kicked him in the ribs and just walked away, what was funny though is in the weeks before i actually got to see him again i was calling everyone i knew that knew him and would ask if they wanted to goto the shooting range to get some practice in incase shit hits the fan, so i bet word got around about the glock 10 and the 38 special and some other guns they saw me take to go shoot. Oh and one of my good friends just bought a new 30 ought six and they guy he got it from had a SKS which he ended up bying from the dude, its a yugo carbin SKS he paid the dude $130 for it, hella deal and it fires fine and everything, i still wanna find me a sam7 classic or a WASR PB (both AK-47's) although an AR-15 carbine would be badass too!