Ok, Heres the Deal, Most of you will probably say this is BS considering im under 30yoa and I'm already planning on buying "OUR" own house. Some of you might remember me from a while ago. Im back after keeping the neighborhood "supplied" And Im making a good amount of money, Only thing is alot of people know me now and im getting paranoid, and considering Im living with my parents I can not grow here or want them to get in trouble for me. The way this is all going down is my good friend who's in the Navy has 3 years left before he finishes and gets help from the military for housing, Im going to continue making and saving money, and 1-2 more good friends will chip in. Were looking to get a 4-5 bedroom house in PA thats near NJ and is easy to commute back and forth to. In this house were going to be growing a good amount of MJ, shrooms and other goodies, The plan is to have a constant Summer-winter harvest and commute back to NJ where prices are Majorly inflated and supply good bud at unheard of prices. Current subarb prices list as Haze Strain: 400-500 oz Normal Strain (dro) 200-250 oz Many will laugh at these prices but people everywhere pay it. Cost for our bud depending on quality (Normal): 150$ an OZ Haze Strains: 300 oz. This is an excellent business stratagy that I think will prove to be quite profitable not to mention a big move in my life at a young age. Either im gonna end up In Jail or become so rich no one can fuck with me. I come from a poor/middle class family and am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. Im one of those people who are willing to take the risk to live a comfortable life. I don't need much to be happy and if I become wealthy it will have no impact on who I am. It's just my goal to laugh in the face of the society that always trys to hold me down because im young. I want to prove to everyone that you really can do anything If you want it bad enough, and it shouldnt be based on wealth. Me and my friends were Fucked at birth when we were born into the Middle class, There is no room to excell and nothing out here for us. I sure as hell don't know many people who take out loans and pay off there college debt bill without help from there parents, after all what 20yo kids has 20grand to spend on a year of college, The USA only helps the wealthy and shits on everyone else, and its not right, which is why me a group of brothers need to break the rules to get ahead. And of course open a Legit business in the future to keep the pigs off our backs.
Sounds like quite a plan. Good luck. And its not too odd for young 20's to be buying a home. There is a good 3 people i know that just bought and a few that are right there and none of em are over 24.
Sweet man, well where I live thats impossible unless u hit the lottery, because theres no good jobs around here.
I had my own home at 21. Nothing wrong with that. Course I was working a legit job too. Got married at 22 and lost it all at 29. Lots can happen before you turn 30.
yeah plus im in canada in a city of 450 000. Im sure the are a whole lot of factors that make the price different.
Fuck man, You lost everything? Thats really shitty. If that happends i'll be turning to a gun to get out of this crazy fucked up place so I don't have to find out how much shittyer things are when your 30. Cuz once they got you on record its impossible to get another start, I got a record for a DWI and 2 possession charges, everywhere I look for a good job gives me a run around. Even If I don't write it on the application, most places around here check your background anyway and find out. I wanted to give up already, But then my friend came up with this Idea to get the house cuz it is possible. which motivated me to just continue what im really good at. Like i tell everyone I did't choose this kind of lifestyle, The system that tryes to controle life made this lifestlye for me, If the media didn't portray that people who smoke pot are bad people I'd have a great job right now that i was satisfied with, instead im forced to sell weed just to make a decent living. Sometimes I come home after a long day and tell myself im just gonna stop for good, but then I go right back to the same point I was just at, struggling to find a job making no money. My only options are college or the military at this point. I don't have the money for college, and the military, well id be giving into a part of the same system that put me in this position in the first place with there redicules laws. I'll never allow myself to give in to it. You can die for your country and kill people, here just sign this piece of paper, but your evil if you smoke pot and never hurt a person in your life.
Just be careful... If you go for a loan, you will need to have "satisfactory" documented income... Or, no loan. Even if you are going to pay cash, you will still need to have some kind of "legit" job to keep the taxman off your back... If they see you own property, or are paying on a house... but have no reported income, it raises red flags. & can land you in the shit for tax evasion. Renting a house is cool... as long as the landlord don't try to poke around & get nosey... Do your own repairs & shit. Whatever you do... Keep it on the down low & don't get too flashy!
My friend had a long term plan which now is a great idea, He is in the NAVY like I said before, I was with him everyday he was up in jerz on leave and he said he didn't want to go back but he was gonna do it anyway, And told me his plan. It will pay for a Car and a house and it makes him look good, so he is the one whos gonna take out the loan if we need to. And they will approve it because of the fact he served his time in the Navy. Me and the others will just be "renting" rooms as far as anyone knows. but in reality were all gonna pitch in for the Mortgage to make it possible to live there and eventually own the house. Shit he was even gonna "MARRY" a girl because they would give him more money toward a house. Of course she knew the real deal. But ya nothing to flashy I got my 3000gt parked outside with no engine, When i got the money Im gonna swap a better motor in it and put money into it, its a nice sports car but its in the middle class range, not like im gonna be rollin in a benz with 20's on it paid off full in cash, And I'll probably work at some stupid ass place so when hes done with the 3 years well be on our last few payments before we actually own the house. I think once we actually own the house everything will be goin real smooth. I had to give it up to him he did have everything thought out well, he just needs some help to make it possible. I mean my other friend was renting a house and the only way to describe it was ANIMAL HOUSE, there was 50+ kids there getting fucked up out of there mind almost everynight, completely out of controle, cops were there numerous amounts of times before they finnally busted it. Luckly I took off like a bat out of hell out the back door and out ran the 2 cops trying to chase like 20 kids into the backyard. ill never forget seeing his flashlight bobbing up and down on the shed saying "hey where are you going" and rep "Not with you PEAAAAAAAACE"
i bought my first home at 25. good luck. try to get a fixed interest rates. adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) are for the birds.
no offense but you ain't gonna get rich unless you have a rather large grow op. and if that is so then equipment and upkeep will be hard 2 afford/maintain. i know you think it's just gonna be a cakewalk but just 1 slip up could do you in. good luck with your plan- i hope everything works out for u. nugz
Too many flaws man.... I see a few major flaws there man.... First and foremost... Grwoing in Pa and taking the buds to NJ to sell is a bad idea bros... Ya see anytime you cross state line ya get the feds involved.. Mandorty(SP) minuimuns and your prior record you will get life if caught... One of my buddies was doing almost the same thing..buying in Philly and selling in NJ He is currently doing 5 to 10... Ya see the port authority doesnt need problable cuase anymore to search your car, they dont even have to ask..... Thanks to the patriot act your rights going across state lines have been revoked.... The second flaw is way to many people... loose lips sink ships... So far you have listed about 5 poeple that know about your plan, which means at least ten more know... If you go ahead with this I would recommend that you learn to bend over cuase its gonna happen... Good luck bros... MAD MAX
Hey thanks for your responses guys, Well I just talked to my friend, We have 3 years basically to think everything through and over. Actually the only people who know that i actually know in real life are me and a girl and my friend who came up with the whole plan. and shes gonna be the one doin the marrage thing anyway. Tony is still in the slammer for a little longer so he dont even know yet, and my other friend steve probably isnt even down for it. But I grew up with these ppl they know not to say shit. So, if we talk about it now, in 3 years people won't even remember even having the conversation. And another point when I got caught, every time it was my own fault, I would have a few beers under the age of 21, not that I was drunk every single time, but it was enough for them to search the car all 3 times, Im older now and Will not drive a car if I have more than a beer. Ive had no tickets in over a year and am dropping 4points in SEPT. And anyway many many ppl commute back and forth to NJ To PA everyday, so as long as im not driving like a total dick (which is pretty much normal for drivers in NJ) they would have to pick my car out of everybodys. 2nd Ive never been pulled over by a state trooper or any law enforcement on the parkway ever in my life and ive done some pretty wild speeds exceeding 130mph. I mean maybe its dumb luck but I feel safer on the PRKWY rather than doing in town driving and some of the surrounding towns already know who I am. Oh I know its not gonna be easy but when your determined to live a better life then you have your more than willing to work hard. When I say rich im not talking millions of dollars, Like 1-2 thousand a week(or like 2400 for a LB) every harvest 60-70k a year maybe Nothing thats gonna stand out, I make about 600 in 3 days now by myself. And i have to drive pick up and come back to my area and its just as much as a risk. As commuting back and forth. Like I said before, I aint doin time If I get busted Ill make those sob's shoot me before they take me in to the penn.
Do yourself a favor and don't be so detailed about your operation AND location. You're asking for it, man. Just lettin' ya know.
Excellent advice Max & FTM!!! Nothing can get you ass in jail faster than a big mouth... Whether it is yours or a friends... You're fucked either way. When your freedom is on the line... The ONLY person you can truly trust is YOURSELF!!!
too many times ive said to much. to close friends. wether i need a safe address to send stuff to or what. there are a couple people who suspect i might grow. never though woudl i go into so much detail. still i worry about it. so sometimes i cant trust myself