hello everyone.i left these 2 strains with a friend up north.the "trainwreck" hermied and pollenated the church.i will be recieving a few of these to check out.my question is this,both strains are fem only,the seed was produced from a hermi.so will all of the seeds be female and will all of them definitely hermi or is that just likely? the reason i ask is i've read that o.diesel came from the same type of situation.i'm on top of my plants almost 24/7 so i feel confident i'll find a nanner if one shows but no sense in wasting time and space either. what'll we call it? the church scandal? the church x "trainwreck"(which is kind of scandalous since it's not the real thing?)
Anything that hemied I throw away I don't like wasting time & space because I have a small cabinet. Now that said if you got the room go for it do one or two & keep a eye on them. Why did they hemie ? Light leaks ,Stress any idea. Good luck let us know what happens-Bud
Depends on if it was enviormental issue causing it to through banana's. Could have a lot of penetrance and strictly genetic and show up no matter what. You could grow them out and see. Ussually if it is enviro factors it will be something like a light leak, extreme pH issues, or in general just lots of stress. I mean I could talk about this all day, but I already have a million posts about how to make feminized seeds and how self pollenation by hermi plants can give you what I would call pseudo females because you don't know if they are a true female or a hermie just waiting to throw some nanners.
^^^What he said...haha Also, OD was not made that way. OD was aresult of Chemdawg 91 tossing some bananas and throwing some man juice on a Sensi NL x MSS. Both true breeding strains. Taking 2 "femmed" (cough, cough, fake, cough) strains, one of which hermied, will give you 90% hermies, if you're lucky. If youre not lucky, you will get 99% hermie, and the hermie trait will be in the remaining 1%... Cheers
I worked with hermie bag seed... 1st grow bag seed, 4 plants, all fem, all hermied, one heavily seeded. I grew out about 20 of those seeds over my next few grows...All Female, ALL HERMIED. Keep in mind that these were my first grows etc... By the end I used DutchMasters Reverse, with some success. It didn't completely work but I didn't completely follow the directions either. If you find one you really like you might want to try Reverse. The last couple of times I flowered these they didn't sprout bananas till about week 7 so they didn't have time to develop seeds...but for me the bottom line was, these were really shitty genetics! I'd not waste my time now. Even though I know they will all be girls (I've still got more than 250 seeds). I've dealt with hermies and the only reason I see to do it is if you know you can't get a hold of any other genetics. If you had an isolation chamber...that could be fun:qbluewacko: I didn't smoke the parents so I don't know how tempting it is. Have fun Grat
fake strains! how dare you insult "The King"! he has 3 hazes named after him! and i was just going to see if you wanted a cut of the "trainwreck",it's from arcata/nevada don't you know, with big, fat calyxes,3 of which will roll franco a joint! seriously though on the OD,i didn't know both parents were true breeders,sounded like a random thing,that changes the whole deal on what my chances are huh? i really don't care much for either of these strains personally but after reading what i read it sounded like maybe i possibly might find something worth having. the reason it hermied is the guy let them go for about 12 weeks due to him moving in the middle of a grow and his new place had hardwater that seemed to stop growth for him.at the end he found some sacks hanging and cut everything and there were the seeds. i've read a couple of those threads skunky, you certainly know your stuff. i sure don't want to be growing a problem so it's looking like i'll be passing on the beans. i appreciate all the responses and thanks for saving me from a headache everybody
In my grow room boys die and girls who sprout balls share that fate. No boys allowed!!! :nonono: I wouldn't trust seeds from a hermie, but if you do decide to give 'em a try keep a very VERY close eye on them lest they contaminate the rest of your girls. That's just my .02.
Ive got some greenhouse fem church seeds heading my way (once i get out of the packing dept). We'll see if these hermie. Ive never grown any GHS before due to their rep. These were only £11 so i thought fuck it. If they hermie i know where he lives!
I've heard that when you go from seed stress the fuck out of all the females the ones that go hermie kill em the ones that don't are true female and you will never have to worry about hermies. any truth to this?
The females that are left are very stable. But even these can be hermied. colloidal silver will do it.
hi there im new to this forum, but ive read many of your posts. id, like to get to you later on on a few subjects of my personal interest.... but i'd first like for you to please clear up a few things.. about the church strain.. what exactly do you mean by 'cough, cough, fake, cough'? you see, im growing 4 of them at the moment and they are producing some weird traits in the buds (6 weeks now). they look like male nanas, but on close inspection they are not.. i'm growing them cause the seeds were basically offered to me,(in original packaging.. etc) is it something about GHS? its the first time im using this seed bank, and for some time now i have noticed a mixed reaction from growers... some praise them hands down.. others like yourself (more experienced growers with breeding experience etc) write them off... its just a curiosity, but id like it cleared... its not the first time ive seen them refered to as fake and bad for the overall gene pool of breeding... i know you know your stuff... so anything you may add is welcome.
hi there, basically yes, that perfectly true... the resulting genes you are left with are very hard to hermie... but as stated even those can be chemically hermied.. hermies are a touch subject most of the time with lots of what ifs in the mix... but its just common sense. if it hermies for no apparent reason ditch it. if it takes alot of stress to hermie. id say you are in the 50/50 area... there is no easy surefire way of knowing unless you have personally grown the stuff for many generations and know the genetics intimately. even then there may be a dormant hermy gene in there .. usually from a sativa ancester if the strain has any as for the most part pure indicas very rarely have hermie genes, though it may happen, its just rarer. ... but if you doo what you stated, you SHOULD be able to weed out the offending traits... sorry if im rambling.. its a habit of mine peace ileso
You can contact me anytime via PM. I mean the church isnt the real church. The church is a name they stole from a NY strain. If I rememebr correctly Church is a Haze, also called The Frankies, Piff etc. They just capitalized on a name. The TW they offer is not real TW. Thats for fuckin sure. They claim it is S1's of the Arcata cut, and me (along with everybody else who has grown the real TW) just have to laugh. It doesnt look like it, doesnt grow like it, doesnt taste, smell or smoke like the real TW. Once again, capitalizing on a name. I dont like GHS practices. They are not breeders, just seed makers with a great marketing program. Problem is they are ruining the genepool with bogus strains, using names from clone only cuts that have built a reputation, but not providing what is claimed. Im not sayng you wont get the occassional good plant from GHS, just that you arent getting the genes you paid for. In the end, the TW will lose its value, because there are so many fake versions. Know your genetics, know your breeder (or seed maker in this case), adn get what you really want, not some hacked fakes. Cheers