Giant Propane Explosion in Toronto

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by CanadianDAN, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Check this out....

    There was a huge propane storage facility or something in the middle of a residential neighbourhood in North Toronto that caught fire somehow at 4am on Sunday Morning. Check this video out.

    Watch the size of this explosion! Huge shockwave too! :icon_confused: (All under 1 min long)

    As i was searching through youtube videos to find these ones that show the big explosion i came across a bunch of longer videos shot by random people around toronto, and there was one with a bunch of stupid fuckers laughing and saying "IF you want to do a crime, now would be the best time." Talking all gangsta like and laughing about smoking a blunt while cops pass by.

    Stupid fucking guys always thinking about themselves and how "THEY" can benifit from another persons tragedy. On the news they said in the 1km radius they had to evacuate around the fire, a whole shitload of homes were raided and looted. I hope those greedy fucking losers get some Karma down the road and lose their life somehow. People like that dont deserve to live. Just like all the greedy dickheads that looted during 911.

    Crazy explosion though huh? Freakishly resembles a nuclear bomb.
  2. phatkojak

    phatkojak Developed Alternating Nodes

    I'm with ya CanadianDAN

    No matter where, what or when, you have stupid fucking morons just waiting to take advantage of the unfortunate luck of others. I mean, I even live in a pretty safe place, but during a flood, tornado or something like this and you still have little mindless fucks running around seeing what they can grab.

    Morality, where did this disappear to? Luckily there are a few like us who would watch each others backs where the shit really hits the fan.

    That big explosion was unbelievable - wow.

  3. 420kitty

    420kitty Just Chillin

    that shockwave in the 2nd video was insane!!!
  4. "The Master"

    "The Master" Time Lord

    Like you said; Karma is a fact. Shit evens out. I've lived long enough to know this. Sometimes? you get the chance to SEE it come back, others, you just have to accept that it will, and it does.

    I fight like mad, the older I get, to not wish bad shit on people, even IF I may think they deserve it or not, based on the above. Shit evens out.

    It looks like a nuke because of the dynamics of the blast. Prayers of all types are in order for those touched by this.
  5. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Who wants to bet this will make it on one of those "WorldsMostFuckedUpShit" Tv shows in a year or so... lol
  6. Shadowman

    Shadowman Full Flowering

    What the fuck is wrong with people, man? Hell...even the Leo's were out looting after Katrina.

    I saw a bleve in Decatur, Il. back in the '70's. We had just left the city limits and the whole sky in the west turned orange. Something blew up in the trainyard and I think it killed some people, but I can't remember.

    This is another cool vid I found with a shockwave. There's a lot of videos on this particular one, too, but I think this gives you the best view of the shockwave:

  7. "The Master"

    "The Master" Time Lord

    BLEVES are the cobras in my work. They SO often happen in rural areas of America, with Volly Firemen, who want to get down there, and play with the cylinder? and then; BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!

    Once you get a low explosive rolling? like Nat. Gas, propaine, etc.? it is often WORSE than TnT!!!:angry:

    Fishers, Indiana had a WILD rupture in a nat. Gas pipeline a few years back, and it killed many people. Half of them based on being stupid, like volly firemen, who suck and kill themelves and the citizens too cheap to pay taxes to pay for professional Fire Protection. :)

    If you live in ANY area? where perhaps the issue comes up for a vote? of wether to continue volly, or professional Firefighting? you should vote for paying for the pros. Trust me :) I know. Vollys kill themselves, and others due to how stupid they are. ANY fat bastard can be a volly, but a professional? had to meet a lot of critera, against alot of others, and are well trained.

    PAY WELL FOR YOUR FIRE PROTECTION!!!!! for YOU, and your homes sake, and for the idiot volly who could kill YOU, AND themselves in an arena like this. I know MANY vollys, and they SUCK. I'm a card carrying Professional, and I spent SIX years training to handle shit like this.

    You get, what you pay for. :eusa_shifty: Vote, "YES," for Pro Firemen. Trust me.!! :)
  8. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Hurricane wrestler.......

    That's a fucking insult to the poeple who risk their lives for your and your property for no pay....

  9. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    I live in Toronto just seeing if anyone else out there is nearby, and that shit is pretty devistating. About 1000 of the homes near the blast suffered from structural damage and now have to be torn down and rebuilt. IDK, i just feel pretty bad the people in that immidiate area. Also be carful with those posts master theres already been a firemen lost from all this and who knows it could be somones relative.
  10. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    I live across the lake in The Hammer, but i wasnt at the edge of the escarpment at 4am to see it. Theres no doubt in my mind id have been able to see it. On a clear day i cant see Torontos skyline, with the CN tower and other buildings.

    It does suck that they have stuff like that built in a residential area, not to mention right next door is a giant cemetery. Good way to REST IN PEACE huh? Having giant pieces of molten metal crush your tombstone.

    On the news here they pointed out 4 propane refill stations similar to the one in Toronto here in my city. And one of them is on the busiest street surrounded by car dealerships and plazas and homes as well. Not to say theyll blow, but you know the news, they have to put fear into the people or they feel theyve failed their purpose. :tvlaugh:

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