Its my first grow and im wondering how is cow shit for a fertilizer? I have a bunch of cows and their shit is just laying around so why not? also what is a good way to get it to my plants? Im making some tea right now but wonder if there are any other good ways?
BEtter if it's composted. at least get some that's been around for a few months. if composted you can add to your soil mix....I go around 20% with mine but you could probably go a little higher.... I think Randy High is quite knowledgable on this teas are good....bubble it for about 24 hours.... don't get too carried away, I assume nitrogen burn could easily be an issue
I always heard cow poo is to "hot" unless it is composted. Something about it burning veggie plants if you have to much and to close to roots. Not sure though, thats just what my momma told my growing up, use your poo in the fall for spring growth. Might be a old wives tale, she's from the south.
You can make tea with fresh but I would get an air pump and bubble the bucket.. Keeps the anaerobic bacteria low.. We want aerobic bacteria.. To that I would add liquid kelp, fish emulsion, some Epsom salts , azomite and some raw organic honey. Dry could be ground through a 1/4 inch mesh and sprinkled on the top of the soil. Now you do mean cow? Not steer.. Steer has too much salts. ---- "Dairy Manure may be the single most useful soil-builder around," says Ann Lovejoy, lifetime organic gardener and writer in Seattle, Washington. "Washed dairy manure from healthy cows is just about perfect for garden use; it can be used as a topdressing and for soil improvement," she adds. Dairy manure is preferable to steer manure, which has a higher salt and weed seed content. Though cow manure has low nutrient numbers, that's what makes ist safe to use in unlimited quantities.
Yep its cow crap. I think ive found an easier alternate though but im still debating on which to use. I think ill try both on 1 plant to see which one is better.