I finally made my soil. I took a few huge painter buckets, and filled one 40% of the way with perlite, then went just a little over the half-way mark adding in the humus. Then I mixed it thoroughly. In the other bucket, I mixed in cow manuer compost and organic soil one after the other alternating until it was almost half full then hand mixed it thoroughly. I then added in 2.5 large cups of bone meal, and 1 large cup of blood meal, and 1 cup of potash, and mixed it in very thoroughly.[[I also added in a cup of lime, and a cup of essential minor elements]] I then started adding the soil mix into the perlite humus mix a few cups at a time, mixing it thoroughly as I went. When I finished I felt pretty happy, the soil looks, feels, and smells DANK. I then put the soil in my pots and put my sprouts in about 4 days ago. What I'm wondering is, if I plan to veg for another 10-14 days should I add some organic form of nitrogen to the soil? What kind of organic ferts are there for nitrogen? For flowering, should I put some bone meal on top of the soil about 1/2 way through the flowering for phospherous? Are there any other organic fertilizers you can think of I might should obtain for future use?
Try..... High there, i would try out pure blend!!! I like it for vegging and the first half of flowering. After the first 4 weeks or so, i switch to earth juice. TThis stuff is hard to get sometimes, but it ROCKS!!!!!!! I think it makes the natural flavors come out a lot more than any other nutes ive ever tried. If you want adding some bone meal to the top of the soil and then tilling it into the dirt would work aswell, but its not going to do much fast if there is not a abundence of micro nutirents thriving the the soil. Commercial nutes like earth juice and pure blend have these needed properties to ensure the most efficient conumption of the nutes by the root system. Home this helps some. laterz.. picilo
man there is a lot of us texas people up in this biatch! sup picilo! Anyways apophis, man not trying to make you feel stupid but uhh look at your box the blood meal came on does it say 10-0-0 or something of that nature? well those are NPK %'s so that example would be all nitrogen! So do you have any of these elements in your supplements Zn, Mn, Mg, Ca, B, Fe(chelated), Cu, or Mo? If so which ones do you have?
i already knew the blood meal was for nitrogen, but I was wondering if I shoulkd add more half way thru veg. and i know bone is for phosph. My question is to anyone who has used a homemade organic soil, if they fertilized during veg/flowering, not really worried about vegging considering I'm going almost straight to 12/12 w/ my grapefruit. More concerned if I should add MORE bone meal later into the flowering... thx tho and I have no fudgin idea about all the other elements you mentioned... i know what the NPK dashes and numbers represent, but don't know about all the others, maybe it's on the back of the box
well then my response to that would have to be that depends, just watch the plant and if say by the 6 week flower the leaves are already really yellow you might just want to make a little weak "tea" out of the blood meal with water. There are a few good recipies for making these teas were on this site here in the organic sectino if you look around. That just what i would do that way you can just give them a little extra N to tide them over till week 8+ that way if it finishs in 8 weeks it won't be to harsh because of all the N and the cholorophyll will begin to break down to provide energy to the plant. But yea i would do that cause if you need it almost halfway through flower and they don't get any N they're going to start breaking down the chloroplast and that early on is just going to get you a crappy yield cause without all the chloroplasts that the plant is destroying can no longer do work the plant slowly dies.
high... Well i hate to be the bringer of bad news, but if you dont know what those other terms skunky was using then you need to lookthem up. Not knowing will cause you to not be able to correctly diagnose a future nute problem. To much or not enough will cause nute lock out and you wont know what hit you. Other than that, i have done many, many, MANY soil grows where i made my own organic soil mixes. I suggest from experience that you do both in soil and additives from commercial nutes. It will help with your harvest size and cause less problems for ya when the plants start to get overloaded with nutes they cannot take in due to no micro bacteria braking down the nuutrient proporties. If there is any questions regarding what these other terms mean, ask and i will help the best i can, but they are important. Since your going strait into flowering, buy some earth juice and feed every three waterings or so and you will see a big difference in weight. If you choose to only use the bone meal then yes, add some to the top of the soil and till it into the soil well. This stuff takes a lot longer to do its job than you may think, plus good bonemeal is hard to come by. most of the stuff that is sold in stores is crap. If you have bone meal in the siol allready, then just add some earth juice or pure blend at about 2 weeks after the stretching fase is done. I hope my jumbled and miss spelled dialect helps you out. laterz.. picilo p.s. TX ROCKS!!!! was up skunky
Here man check this out http://southcenters.osu.edu/soil/n_cycle.htm its decent reading they may shed a little bit of light on you as to how nutrient cycling works, this is pretty much the basis of how organic nutrition works in a matter of sense. The only thing i think i should add is that nitrogen fixation is performed by bacteria that can only survive in anerobic enviroments, well atleast locally anyway, so don't be to heavy on the oxygenating supplements like hydrogen peroxide, most of the other nutrients are recycled by detrivores that is they are decomposers or eat decomposing matter to return the nutrient back to soil.
what I didn't know about was this " Zn, Mn, Mg, Ca, B, Fe(chelated), Cu, or Mo" Nothing I bought had those elements listed on them. Will earth Juice help add those into my soil?
... Hells yeah man, you wont be disapointed. Now remember that the bloom does not have ANY nitrogen at all so you might wanna add a little tiny bit of N a few dasys before you switch to 12/12. See the plant is still kinda vegginf for the first week or so in flowering and doing its stretching thing. Doing this will help to increase size and there for increasing yield. After that i would go full swing EJ and watch the buds swell!!! laterz.. picilo
there are some good organic fertz out there and i always go organic my man... always........ i use "bio-grow"(a really good source of Nitrogen, and the rest) then i still use it aswel as my blooming agent."bio-bloom", for the flowering peroid, these have really helped me get the results ive been needing and man..... skunky knows his shit too man.mos def man!!!!! and cheers skunky for all your help toward myself ..i thank you again as your advice helped alot my man.... ANYWAY...I ALSO END UP USING A BUD BOOSTER CALLED "TOPMAX", TO FINISH OFF THE SIZE AND REALLY BOOST THEM NUGGGS...... WORKS A TREAT MA MAN...... TRY THEM IF YA WANT MAN.... IT ALWAYS WORKS FOR ME, AND THEY ARE THE 3 AGENTS/FERTZ I ALWAYS USE ON MY GROWS, ALWAYS SAFER TO KEEP AND STAY "ORGANIC"!!!!! PEACE AND GOOD GROWING MY MAN..... UrBigBuddie.........