Growing in Trees?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Guerilla Family, May 19, 2008.

  1. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried putting potted plants way up high in a tree... I have pondered the idea for a couple years now, but havent tried it yet..

    The other day my dad suggested we try to put a few plants in a large tree in his yard. We have been mulling it over for about a week now.
    We decided that a pully system would be needed in order to raise n lower the 5gal buckets for feeding. Were gonna tie the rope about a 1/4 way up the tree so that we just climb up n untie it then lower our plants down for watering. The tree is about 80+ feet high.. Very large, old tree. Once i get up there im gonna have to prune a few branches to allow the sunlight to penetrate the canopy and reach my clones.

    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this.. or has any info or input for us.
    Details please.

    Guerilla Fam.
  2. dlr42

    dlr42 King of GrowKind

    That is one of the most origanal ideas I have ever heard.

    Worth a try.
  3. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    this was my idea from WAAAAAAY back lol, i never put it to use, but i guess great minds think alike.. i like the idea, keep us posted, id enjoy lookin at the results!!
  4. AzGrOw-N-sMoKe

    AzGrOw-N-sMoKe Begun Flowering

    sure can buddy...i can dig up some pics for ya if ya first need to know..the best way to do to put it in a tree you can climb every week for most places that have good size trees also have good size rain an water since the plants dont have anywind break they are prone to be knocked over/off the your gonna need to fasten those things up there good...this idea is very good for those who can climb trees very well as this is the sole base for this idea...if i can think of other stuff i'll repost this....peace az
  5. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    I actually had a friend who did that when I was a teenager. He had a big sturdy tree in his backyard, so he climbed up and cleared out an opening in the canopy. Then he nailed a couple boards so he could sit a pot up there, and put a lil seedling in place... He got a cool little 8" banana bud out of it. No huge yield, but he got something!
  6. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    tree stash

    I plan on tying rope around the handle of the bucket and hoisting it over a very high branch.. so there wont be any chance of my buckets falling out of the tree.. I applied at a tree trimming service, i had a friend who worked for them, and they supplied him with all kinds of tree climbing gear he was able to take home.. Im hoping i hear back from them.
  7. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer


    If u could find me some pics. I would really appreciate that.. Thanks for ur input, keep it coming.

  8. 0077

    0077 Germinated

    Yes Some Outdoor Growers Have Been Know To Plant Up In Trees To Keep Away From Animals Deer Etc.
  9. jimmy the lizard

    jimmy the lizard Genius beginner!

    a friend of mine had the same idea, but it was for trees too far away to get to easily. if it was a tree in your yard, or close by, id say hell yeah!

    talk about stealth!
  10. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    make sure it gets some some good morning light.
  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    New concept

    Ok so Im still pondering this idea of growing in a tree..

    I was brainstorming today, and I was thinking about those tomato plants that they grow from a hanging bag. The tomato plants grow out through holes cut in all sides of the bag. I was thinking if this is done with tomatoes, why cant I try using a pot plant?

    Im thinking I could just use like a whole bag of potting soil netted in one of those bags they use for oranges and onions. The plastic netting type thing. I will poke holes all through the potting soil bag for drainage, put the bag of soil in the netting, and cut holes 3 inches or so around the netting to insert clones.

    Im planning on trying this soon. I've never heard of anyone using this method, and Im always down to experiment.

    Any ideas, or props is greatly appreciated.


  12. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    how about this for a deal, ill give you props AND an idea... lucky you HA

    allsmilez i believe has done this before, (or she told me of someone who has done it) and it IS possible, if im remembering correctly...

    oh i almost forgot

    heres your props

  13. Convict

    Convict Veggy Stage

    I've thought about doing something similar, but never actually gone through with it. Lady down the road grows tomatoes upside down in 5 gallon buckets and always does really well with them. Which got me to wondering if I could grow some upside down pot plants. Just a thought man. I figured the only place to hide something like that would be in a tree. What are you gonna do with it when fall hits and the trees start losing their leaves? Can't have a big green plant in a pot hanging around in a bare tree, unless you have a strain that can be harvested before hand. I've also considered putting them up on some stationary tree stands I built for deer hunting.
  14. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Your absolutely right about the leaves changing, Convict. That fucker would stick out like a sore thumb.. In my familys yard there is a massive evergreen. This thing must be atlest 60 ft. Im gonna try to find my way up those branches this weekend, and see if i cant come up with a good spot.

    How did this ladyfriend u know hang her buckets upside down. Did she have a lid on it with a hole? The top of the bucket cut out?

  15. Convict

    Convict Veggy Stage

    she cut a 2-1/2" hole in the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket and hung it up by its handle. I would assume that she had to germinate them first and have a good healthy seedling before hanging them upside down. I think if I were to do it, I start out with bucket full of soil, place the lid on and set bucket upside down and water through the small hole in the bottom to compress the soil. That would help it to not all fall out when I hung it up and removed the lid.
  16. zion07

    zion07 Flowering again

    I don't know the climate you live in but I'll go on my experience. If it's in direct light after about 11 or 12 o'clock and you're in any type of desert environment your plants will burn.

    i have been trying to tackle this issue for a couple of weeks now, getting my plants enough outdoor sunshine without torching them. If you get good shade cover in the afternoon then, go for it! It sounds like an awesome experiment and kinda fun to boot. I'd love to see some pics when you get it going. Hope this helps. Good Buds to ya!
  17. Alex

    Alex Germinated

    you should cover your bag or bucket, or what ever you grow in with twigs. so it looks like a squirls nest. just a thought... and be careful climbing an evergreen! watch for dead wood, also theyre branches are usually at a 90 degree angle with the trunk, making them more prone to break. you might want to get a harness and spikes... oh and maybe next year you could try growing some Soma lavender, it wouldnt stick out as much in the fall.

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