Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Mr. Wakenbake, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    This isn't a fully organic soil, but it's close

    Holland Bulb Booster Planting MIX...N-P-K contents are 0.07-0.05-0.04

    contents of soil are reed sedge peat, composted forest products, and / or composted rice hulls, Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, horticultural perlite, ground dolomitic limestone, a wetting agent, and a timed release fertilizer...but it's a very very weak fertilizer..so i am going to try it out..some very nice stuff it feels like, nice and fluffy but only 5$ a 16qt bag...i am going to try it on a couple of my plants..

    also picked up Miracle Grow's brand of Perlite..also some decent stuff..can you believe i said Miracle Grow made something decent???

    the perlite has some fertilizer dusted on it..and it's only a scant 0.04-0.01-0.06

    and i think the plants are going to like it and if they don't then i know not to use this brand again...but i am def going to give it a try..if not then i will go back to my baccto soil..
  2. slag

    slag Germinated

    how much perlite u add to the bato-soil to get good drainage,and do you also useit for ur seedlings?.... :)
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Hey barney

    "how much perlite u add to the bato-soil"

    what is "bato-soil" please.
  4. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    it's called BACCTO Professional Potting mix.. that's what i used the last time and was happy with it but i wanted something even more aery and i think i have found it with this Hollands brand soil.

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