hortilux or sunmaster?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by hygrade, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    which is the better bulb? any opinions?
  2. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Eye Hortilux

    Top of the line...BRIGHTEST!
  3. Zeppelin

    Zeppelin In The Hills And Far Away

    Yeah I would have to say on this one GO with the facts not Opinions!!! EYE HORTILUX has been proven to be the best out Right now!!! But Just so you know I use Both Eye Hortilux 600wt HPS for flower and a 600wt MH SunMaster conversion bulb for veg !!!! Go figure!!
  4. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    The EYE with out a doubt. I have first hand knowledge. I had a sunmaster that I payed extra for when I got my one of my lights. I switched to the EYE and it just blew away the SM.
  5. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks guys,well,it turns out,they are out of hortilux bulbs at this time but were more than happy to give an agromax upgrade free of charge,so at least i'm not out anything.i'll just have to grab a hortilux when i can
  6. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I was wondering how you were upgraded. I was just lucky, as they were oos on the standard bulb.

    I'm not upgrading bulb's until I know where I'm growing next. I'm sure I'll need to invest in a filter, finally.

    Even with these bulb's(our's, hg), the addition of the 600 to your grow will make a huge difference. reguardless of an EYE!
  7. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    actually i just asked them for a free hortilux upgrade and he said he was out but would give me a sunmaster for free and we agreed on an agromax.i won't get it until wednesday but great folks at htg,gave me a free bulb upgrade and a hell of a deal on an aircooled 600w digi package.i'll grab a hortilux when i can but i'm retiring the 400 watter,i really don't want to run that much light here,the 6 should put me in an excellent spot in my 3' x 3' area.plus i have someone buying my 400w for $300 bucks in a couple weeks so i'm pretty much just trading my 400w for a 600w and getting rid of my cooltube for a better reflector.
  8. justmaintaing

    justmaintaing Thread Killer........

    HTG is good

    I can't agree more about HTG. They are a class act and I visit them at the store it's always a good deal and they seem very knowledgeable.
  9. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I told you that my invoice was in the attic, but I realized that I have my spare bulb's and packaging right here(file cab).

    The bulb they upgraded me to is an AgroMax-95,000 lumen's.

    They sent 2 'freebie's', also!
  10. slantedsidewaze

    slantedsidewaze Full Flowering

    Hortilux w/out a doubt

    I've had great success with their 1000 watts! They have a broad yet intense spectrum. Good Luck!!
  11. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    Anybody know anything about the Hortilux EYE Super Blue Dual Arc 1000w bulbs? It has a 600w HPS and a 400w MH in the same bulb. I don't think I'm throwin down $150 for a bulb reguardless, but I'm still curious.

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