How do these perform?

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by itgrowsindawater, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. itgrowsindawater

    itgrowsindawater Germinated

    How would you rate the following items for organic growing...Metanaturals Bloom, and Nitrogen, and Flouralicious Bloom and grow any feedback please thanks!
  2. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I always pass on any GH product...the meta naturals is ok at best...your best chioce for and "organic" line would be pure blend pro, liquid karma, and sweet. or. especially if your doing the AN mother earth super tea, carbo load, humic acid, tarantula, and sensizyme. the AN gear will woogey your plants hard and IF you dont like it....every bottle has a "preformance garuntee" so you can return the empty bottle for cash back. Personally, I think the AN is by far the best nute on the market and anything GH is just hobby level bullshit. just my opinion. they all work to some degree
  3. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Try These Ones............"bio-grow", For The Photosynthesis, Then Some Bio-bloom, For Flowering Stage Starting, Along With Your "bio-grow"........... And Then, A Good "bud Booster", I Use It, Called-- "topmax"!!!!! Always Had Geat Yeilds And Great Results Using Them As I Used To Use All The Damaging Chemical Fertx Too, But Quickly Realised That Organic Nutes Are So Much As Good And Better In A Way That Its So Much Safer For Your Plants And It Adds Great Bushyness And Great Blooming Periods!!!!!! Along With The "topmax"(which Boosts The Bud Growth During Blooming) Makes Some Great Sized Nugs/ Buds!!!!!
  4. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Try These Ones............"bio-grow", For The Photosynthesis, Then Some Bio-bloom, For Flowering Stage Starting, Along With Your "bio-grow"........... And Then, A Good "bud Booster", I Use It, Called-- "topmax"!!!!! Always Had Geat Yeilds And Great Results Using Them As I Used To Use All The Damaging Chemical Fertx Too, But Quickly Realised That Organic Nutes Are So Much As Good And Better In A Way That Its So Much Safer For Your Plants And It Adds Great Bushyness And Great Blooming Periods!!!!!! Along With The "topmax"(which Boosts The Bud Growth During Blooming) Makes Some Great Sized Nugs/ Buds!!!!!
  5. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    ya organics is definetly the way to go i personally use house and garden for my base with organic additives i dont like using chemf erts cause the marijuana plant has been proven to soak up metals i dont want to smoke know mercury or arsenic...they used to use mj plant in russia to soak up nuclear waste :eek: but i would just use what urbigbuddie said that stuff works great late matt
  6. outdoor love

    outdoor love Begun Flowering

    even though he is alot twisted, i have to go with donny on this one. advanced nutes, is the way to go. bio g will work also, but AN is the best IMO. i grow strictly organic in soil, but i know a few folks who do some hydro work and they swear by AN and BG, you will just have to see what works best in your grows.
  7. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    what quality chem based nute has mercury and arsenic?
  8. jwmoregon

    jwmoregon Full Flowering

    I like metanaturals, certified organic. Have great results inside and out.
  9. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    i know the alskan fish ferts have some and for sure the more bloom has loads of it...and i was just pointing out how mj plants r know to soak up metals.late matt

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