i just baught miracal grow bloom blaster 10-52-10 how much should i mix wit 1 gallon water and when. i usually have to water every 3 days.
Hey htown, I've never used that fert before, but it should give a recommendation as for dosage in a gallon of water on the packaging. I would only use it at half stength at first and after that only every 3rd or 4th watering. Maybe even as little as once or twice throughout the entire bloom period. In my opinion its better to underfert than to overfert
^^^^yup yup yup if you are using that fert for blooming...it has too much nitrogen. generally you want to cut out almost all nitrogen for flower. Next time try to avoid miracle grow and go w/ something more taylored for mj cultivation
htown, High! It seems to me you ould benefit greatly by spending some time browsing the FAQs, and getting chummy with a grow manual. It would also be alot easier to answer questions if you would include the particulars for your situation. The fert you have now is at the bottom of the OK Ferts list, because it is harsh and easily over-used. It is also designed for the flowering stage, when you go to 12's. If you are still vegging, which would seem likely, since it appears you have not used a fert before? you need a fert which is highest in N, with lesser or equal amounts of P and K. Something 'all purpose', or MiracleGro for Tomatos will be fine. The secret of success with these water soluable chemical ferts is: "Less is Better". _Never_ use the doses recommmended on the carton. That is the way to instant overfert. You will have to find what is right for your unique set-up. I would start with 1/10 of the suggested dose for containers. L8R, M8T, earth girl
well im using 2 compact floro's 42 and a 32 watt its under 12/12 cycle and its about 2 feet tall by the way i messed up on the name if that matters its bloom booster
htown, 2 compact fluoros will not be powerful enough to give you buds worth the effort. I rather imagine your 2'tall plant is sparce and spindly? The only light worth using from a compact fluoro happens only in the first 5 inches. That means most of your plant's growing was done trying to get close to the light. We call that 'stretching', which we discourage because you can't smoke much of a plant which is all stems. Also under such weak light, any fert you give it will probably result in overfert. This is your first grow, so you will learn as you go along. But you will do much better much faster if you learn some basics about plants and what makes them happy. GoodLuck eg