HPS reflector bulbs

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by DANK WIZARD, May 21, 2005.


    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I seen these reflector bulbs, HPS, they are made like a spot light. Does anyone know if these bulbs work better then the standard hps bulbs? The box said it delivers 200 percent more light to the plants then the standard bulb and hood. Sounds good but is it true?
  2. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    they might center more light but may also cause heat to go in a direct spot
  3. drunken monkey

    drunken monkey Veggy Stage

    I agree with outdoorgrower.

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I knew it sounded to good to be true.
    The last thing I want to do is smoke my plants while they are still in the grow box.
  5. jwmoregon

    jwmoregon Full Flowering

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