The deer are justs a hassel everyday I have to reconstruct my fence because they love marijuana so much. I don't want to switch to chemicals, any suggestions for fending off the deer?
hang up soap bars around the area of the plants and also if you have a dog fed him some meat like an hour befor you go out to the plants and when you get there to the site of the plants with yourll dog feed him a brain muffin and he'll poo with the meat in his poo and deer will smell the smell of poo with meat in it and thinks theres a meat eater around and run and this also goes for you you can poo around the site and pee eat allot of meat befor hand might sound kinda werid but it works its natural get intune with the envierment! good luck poo biscuts to keep the deer away PS this is no joke worked fine for me
No chemicals huh? Deer-Away isn't too expensive, and you don't need to apply it directly to your plants or anything.... but.. If there are any sticker bushes around, you can use them as natural protection. Deer are naturally scared of human smells, you might try a rag that has been saturated with gasoline or oil or possibly even laundry detergent. You might try taking some rags saturated with bacon grease or anything else that is meaty smelling to attract the local carnivores to protect your garden for you.
no no not that its just that just about all animales love to munch on marijuana including deer and raccons deer love the buds and also raccons now if you put some meat out some preditors might think of it as a larger preditor out there and leave it the **** alonei would go with the soap and pee works fine for me and there are deeer all over where i grow once i peed around the trees and hung up some soap bars i havent seen 1 in the area if you want it to go the natural way its all up to you
I think you guys forgot that humans are animals #1 feared predator. Just take a piss or take a dump every time your there. As for insects or the odd fearless animal, try this homemade potion: 1 tiny dab of non-toxic dish soap plus some chopped up garlic cloves, and if you want, 0.5 ml of 2-0-0 bat guano all added to 1 litre of water. Mix and spray once a week for four weeks. This mix is not harmful and does not affect the overall flavour. Enjoy.
I read that soap slivers hanging help. Piss helps. But if the area is void of good grub well fed and lush plants are just the snack. Soap or piss or whatever. If this area is a place you have water like a garden hose there is motion activated water sprayers. We did that in the hills and we were sitting at the dinner table one evening and saw this deer rocket out of the yard below, up the rock wall, that is 7 feet from the ground below, up on the drive way then over a car and straight up a cliff like hill of about 12 feet that was to the north of the house It was serious about getting away. The water worked well to keep veggies and bushes safe in the direct area. The water hits them and makes noise.
You guys have idea's about deer are all wrong. Deer are naturally curious,and they will follow your scent trail to see where you have been. Anybody who seriously deer hunts knows this. This is especially true if you follow the same path repeatedly. Don't believe me? Test it, I guarantee you will see deer tracks on your trail. The soap,and garlic is somewaht effective if it doesn't get washed off by heavy rain. The good news is though once the plants get big,or start flowering the deer usually will leave them alone. I personally have never seen evidence of coons eating the buds, not that it couldn't happen, but they prefer the likes of corn,nuts,fish etc. Be very careful of what you add to your soil, and make sure you cover your soil with indigenous soils as well. Woodchucks ,coon,and fox all love to dig up your soil. This is only for deer, I remember a fella from here having serious troubles with bud munching elk a couple years ago, Right HiC?
I use a diluted water- hot sauce mix 5:1 along with urinating around the area.... no probs outdoors since....well, other than bugs!!!!!!
Little trick ...Take some Fishing string and tie off around your plants .. Like between trees or some posts.. tie them about every foot . Deer will graze into the line and spook them selves
dont hang soap it will atract rats string up fishing line around the garden and piss in a bottle and stuff a rag in it until its wet and leave it thats how yuo make a real motletav cocktail
Ok, this is coming from first hand experience and knowledge. Deer are NOT afraid of our urine. You are not supposed ti piss on trees cause the deer will eat the bark because of the salt in the urine, killing the tree. Hair works wonders but of course you have the whole DNA thing to deal with if your crop isn't well hidden. Another excellent thing to do is plant poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac in a perimeter around your garden. Animals will naturally avoid your defensive ring.