i think ionizers suck...

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by ZitRemedy, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    Alright, i have harvested like 6 plants over the past few months. They were all bagseed, seeds from $200 plus weed, nugs if you will. I now have masterkush which hasnt finished yet. Here is my question...I used a negative ion generator for quite a while cuz my house absolutlely reeked. I flushed my plants, hang-dried them for 5-7 days then into mason jars. I usually kept the ionizers less than 2 feet from the plants. Now, while the **** is POTENT, the taste is kind of weird, i mean you can taste the bud but there is something else on top of it. I knew ionizers could reduce smell outside the bud, but do they affect the taste? I have seen a couple people say this, and i am starting to think it is true. Kinda pisses me off, i am not using an ionizer again, if nothing else cuz it reduces smell SO much. PLUS it shocks the **** out of me, not painfully but it is annoying. PLEASE respond! Thankee.
  2. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    What kind of flavor? How long have your buds been in mason jars? Have you grown this strain before under the same circumstances without the ozone generator?

    I always cure my buds for upwards of 3-4 weeeks before smoking them; this ensures that all the chlorophyl is gone from them, leaving only smooth smoking bud.

    I use an ozone generator, but it's in-line not in the grow room. I know excessive amounts of ozone are hazardous to animals and plants... what kind of ozone generator are you using? I use an Enlay ozone generator... sounds like yours is a home made job? Those fuckers are dangerous... I'd buy a real one if I were you. My .02

  3. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    It is a negative ion generator I got from Worm's Way, and the buds have been in jars for varying amounts of time, but the average is 2months. I dont know what strains they were, they were seeds from mid grade nugs i got, i did that just to see if i could succeed at growing. Oh, the brand I was using is Hydrofarm. If wasnt cuz of the ionizer, I am hoping it was cuz they are ATLEAST f-3 seeds, and a few of those seeds i planted may have come from a room with an unintentional male. I smoked a sample last night, the stuff we call skunky pebbles, its cured for atleast 2 months, and the taste has gotten better, when you break the bud open it smells spectacular, but there was still a bit of "that" taste, I cant explain it, its not really a chlorophyl taste though. I mean, this stuff smells beautiful, and stinks up the room, but the taste isnt up to par, it could be genetics but i dont think so. I have a mother of this skunky pebbles, I'll grow those clones out without the ionizer and see how it is. Or I could put the ionizer outside my room I suppose. We'll see in the fall, 2 skunky pebbles clones are outside, wonder how those will taste...
  4. theEyeballKid

    theEyeballKid Veggy Stage

    I think you should probly not put the ion generator so close to the plants. It will work the same just as long as its in the same room as the plants - even outside a growbox. Makes all the polen and dust in the air fall to the floor, so it can be swept up - so what you would be smelling can be dumped.
    I know that neg-ions affect the human body - in a good way. but i have no idea what they do to plants.
  5. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    Oh... I was thinking of an Ozone generator, not an Ionizer. I use an Ozone generator (Ozone is NOT good for you or your plants, but completely eliminates odor...) I'm not sure about Ions... but Negative Ions are good for you:

    Lenard (1915) found that when water is atomized (e.g. on impact of a
    water droplet), negative and positive charges are SEPARATED.

    Molecules which are torn from the surface of the water bear a
    NEGATIVE charge (small negative ions) whereas large drops or the
    entire mass of water are POSITIVE.

    This provided an unexpected explanation for the refreshing,
    invigorating effect of residences close to a waterfall or spring, or
    even after rain.

    Some of these reactions which IMPROVE WELL-BEING and physical and
    mental capacity have since become known.

    serotonin whereas POSITIVE ions have the opposite action and

    2) An INCREASE in the serotonin level (5-hydroxytryptamine)

    a) tachycardia,
    b) a rise in blood pressure,
    c) bronchospasm going as far as ASTHMA ATTACK,
    d) increased INTESTINAL PERISTALSIS (contractions and
    dilations of the intestines to move the contents
    e) increased SENSITIVITY to pain,
    f) increased AGGRESSION.

    3) A DECREASE in the serotonin level is CALMING and INCREASES
    DEFENSES AGAINST INFECTION (as proven with influenza 'the

    4) Negative ions produce an INCREASE in hemoglobin/oxygen
    affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood
    rises but the partial carbon dioxide pressure DECREASES.

    METABOLISM of water-soluble vitamins.

    In addition, negative ions produce an INCREASE in PH and, in
    particular, an INCREASE in the SECRETORY performance of the MUCOSA
    with an INCREASE in CILIARY MOVEMENT in the airways.

    According to the studies of Fleischer and Pantlitschko, negative
    ions probably also IMPROVE BLOOD FLOW by increasing the release of
    proteolytic enzymes with fibrinolytic activity.

    Wordens studied the adrenals of golden hamsters kept under the same
    experimental conditions. The adrenals of animals treated with
    POSITIVE ions weighed 33% LESS than the adrenals of animals treated
    with normal respiratory air.

    On the other hand, the weight of the adrenals from golden hamsters
    treated with NEGATIVE ions was 29% HIGHER.

    Olivereau found a 30% ENLARGEMENT of adrenals in rats after 20 days
    of treatment with NEGATIVE ions. This finding suggests that the
    ability of the adrenals to produce glucocorticoids is REDUCED by

    Considerable INCREASE in VITAL CAPACITY were observed by M.A.
    Vytchikova and A. Minkh in 1959, with the maintenance of blood sugar
    and blood oxygen levels.

    Thus, in a group of 9 sports students, Minkh found that ergometer
    endurance was INCREASED by 260% in 32 days compared with a normal
    control group following the INHALATION for 15 minutes DAILY of air
    enriched with 1.5 million NEGATIVE small ions per centimeter.

    Even before the 1976 Olympics, air ionization in the sleeping
    quarters of team members was used to improve performance in sports
    centres in the USSR and the GDR [M. Jokl, Prague].

    Studies by Altmann in 1975 clearly show that the performance of
    school children can, for example, be CONSIDERABLY INCREASED by
    changing the electrical conditions of the rooms. Comparable effects
    have also been achieved by the use of IONIZED AIR.

    According to the latest information in the fields of medicine,
    biology and meteorology, it can be definitively established that
    atmospheric ions have a biological effect.

    Atmospheric electrical factors are a component of our environment
    and we humans are clearly affected by ELECTRO-IONIC MICROCLIMATES to
    a far greater extent than previously imagined.

    This finding acquires particular significance since, as a result of
    artificial air conditioning (e.g. atmospheric pollution, buildings,
    air-conditioning units, heating, electrical installations,
    plastics), civilized man spends 50-100% of his time in an

    In cities, in closed rooms and in cars, etc., the proportion of
    small negative ions in the atmosphere is markedly reduced compared
    with undisturbed nature.

    An atmosphere with an EXCESS of NEGATIVE ions, such as frequently
    arise under open sky, usually INDUCES a complete VEGETATIVE TURN-
    AROUND within twenty days.

    In the curative phase of this total turn-around, the vegetative
    nervous system is normally RESTORED and the course of infectious
    diseases is essentially ATTENUATED (weakened) and (healing is)

    ^^Quick google search

  6. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    You paid $200 plus for a bag with seeds in it? LOL Anyways, I heard ionizers increase the yield of your plants, but I have never gone without it so I don't know for sure. If anything I believe it will help your plants by providing cleaner air. PEACE!

    (Edited by chato420 at 5:03 pm on Aug. 23, 2005)
  7. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    No, the stuff always had very very few seeds, the ones it had were always nice, and as far as I have seen, only one ever had any hermie qualities. I did have a couple stray seeds in my first grow, but nothing outrageous. My new project is all clones though, and we finally bought seeds (masterkush) of which i have a mother and 2 clones going. Wee hee!

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