I was curious if anyone has used Dr. Earth Potting soil and if it was a good choice for indoor growing. I finished my flowering room and will soon need to transplant my clones and move them to the flowering room. They were started in a lightweight seed and cutting mix and I added extra Vermiculite. they look good so far. I see a healthy root system developing through the cut off plastic bottles that I used as pots. Right now I only have some Miracle Grow Organic potting soil, and found out that a local nursery carries the Dr. Earth Potting soil. i went to Dr. Earth's web site and it looks to be a premium product.( I would get some Fox Farms soil but I can't get it locally and don't have a car right now to drive the 30 miles to the nearest hydro shop) It says it's pH adjusted to 6.5 enriched with Norwegian kelp, bat guano, canadian peat moss, etc.. they sell it for $11.99 for 1.5 cubic ft. bag considerably less expensive than FFOF at the hydro shop and considering the difficulty in getting there I was hoping that it would be a reasonable comparison in the two products? If anyone has used it I would like to know, I will probably try it out because it has to be better than Miracle Grow.:icon_scratch:
No Help? :help: Well I wonder if anyone will ever have something to say about this topic? I moved this thread to the organic forum in hopes that someone will have some input. I really want to stick with organics and really am hoping that I can get everything I need here in my town so I don't have to wait so long. I have to travel too far right now to get Fox Farms soils and the only other alternative is what's commercially available at Home Depot or Lowes, IE: Miracle Grow, Kellog's etc. Although I have some friends that use the Miracle grow with decent results I would prefer to use something better and I am looking for something pre-packaged so all I have to do is add a little Pearlite or Vermiculite and start growing. Smoke Break :bong2: Ok so I want to try a mini sea of green using soil until I can afford to go hydro. I am working with a small area for flowering and want to maximize my production. Here is my closet I am a complete novice when it comes to indoor growing. I have not had good luck with my first 2 clones in my closet and I am not happy with the soils I have tried. I want to try something better. Ok sorry if that was long winded. I hope I'm not being a pain in the ass, I just want to get to where I can grow my medicine year round inside my house, not just once a year. Thanks to any who reply. assit:
The Dr Earth looks pretty good. Never used it but According to the website it should do pretty well as a MJ mix. Any thought as to ferts?
Well seems no one here has used Dr Earth potting soil. I use FFOF and stuff is great. As you mentioned Home Depot carries MG, so go with that, Bud (Headcase) uses it and all you need to do is check out his grows and you'll see that it works great. I'm pretty sure he uses the MG Organics choice or something like that, maybe he'll pop in.
Haven't used it, checked out the website...looks good. I'd use the planting mix and add perlite and Dolomitic Lime. Grat P.S. I'm mostly impressed by the inclusion of beneficial Bactieria and Mycorrhizea strains.
Ferts Thanks for your input Res, I know you're experienced and appreciate your opinions. I am going to check into Dr. Earth Ferts at the same nursery otherwise I can get all the Alaska Fish Ferts at Lowes. I would like to get a liquid fert instead of dry powders or pellets. I figure it would be a little more difficult to control the ferts using the dry kinds?:icon_scratch: Do you have any suggestions on ferts that are commercially available at Home Depot or Lowes. I could also order over the internet if I have to I guess. Thanks again Res. assit:
Thanks Thanks Guys I appreciate the feedback. I have pretty much decided that I will get some Dr. Earth for the next batch of clones. I am going to be using the bag of Miracle Grow Organic Choice for the ones i have now. I know that the FFOF is the kind shit, and I will probably get some someday, maybe, unless the Dr. Earth seems to produce similar results. As for the Miracle Grow Brand I know it will work, I have used Miracle Grow non organics in the past with good results, although I realize that the chemical ferts are not good for my soil in the long term. I mean everyone knows the name and they have been around forever but I still don't like the idea of unnamed "Organic" ingredients in my soil. :bong2:
Ffof I'm using FFOF right now and I can't really tell a difference from the Scott's Gardening Mix I used during my first grow. If there's supposed to be some benefit to using FFOF, I can't see what it is.
All I can really say on that is i have been using some cheap soil called Earth Grow from Home Depot and it sucks! I have some friends using FFOF and their plants are doing awesome. My 2 plants I have going right now are probably going to end up in the compost bin. I will see if round 2 goes better with better soil. My outdoor plants are in Kellog's Patio Plus soil and struggled at first but now look bushy, green, and happy although a little short since they struggled at first before really taking off.
Alaska 's :thumbsup: good choice. I use Neptune's Harvest Fish/Kelp Emulsion. HD or Lowe's may have it. Most decent garden shops have it for around $20 per 36oz bottle. One should last a couple of gardens. The only problem I have with the Neptune's is that every garden exhibits a magnesium deficiency in early flowering. Since I'm aware of it it's no big deal and I treat accordingly. On all other levels I much prefer it to Alaska's. It contains the Auxims, Cytokinins, Gibberellins (aid in development)found in kelp emulsions in addition to the chelated nutes of a fish emulsion. cheers, cheers,
more on FFOF I'm still using FFOF and I don't see what the big deal is. I really don't. And I've yet to read on any of these threads that there are any advantages to using FFOF. You're not missing out on anything, IMO.
I'll check and see if my nursery carries Neptune's Harvest but if not I'll get the Alaska. Thanks. Should I try and get some Kelp meal or something to add with the Alaska? The Dr Earth does have some kelp in the ingredients. I'm pretty sure that my local Home Depot and Lowe's doesn't carry Neptune's but I will look again to be sure. I also noticed that Dr Earth has a liquid nutrient formula Description: An all-purpose organic fertilizer with chelated multi-minerals and growth enhancers for use on all plants including fruits and vegetables, trees, shrubs, vines, flowering ornamentals, container plants, hydroponics and turf. Liquid Solution!™ is designed to enhance plant growth and correct micronutrient deficiencies. This product will stimulate root growth, flowering and re-growth of stressed trees and vines, enhance seedling vigor, increase humus content in the soil, improve fruit set and reduce transplant shock. Liquid Solutiion!™ has been trusted for 20 years in agriculture, make it work for you! Click here for foliar feeding instructions. If the nursery carries this I may give it a try but I would also need something for Flowering? Or do you think this would be sufficient? It even says it can be used in Hydroponics, I was thinking maybe I would try it for a Hempy Bucket? I still need to get the waterproof pH and PPM meters before I can do any hydro but it sparked my curiosity.
Cool. I will try the much more affordable Dr Earth with my next clones and I will post my results. Maybe Dr Earth is gonna become the new go to brand of soil for me. All my friends can say is FOX FARMS. I'm so tired of hearing it! I know it's good but there has to be other brands that are as good or better. I'll let ya know how it goes.:bong2:
Yea, I was a bit confused the other one showed up and I tried to click but said something about a non valid link. Well I'm also going to try the MG organic (after I finnish up my bag of FFOF) cuz I would rather just go to the Home Depot and pick it up instead of having to go to the grow shop all the time, makes me a bit paranoid. Maybe start my seedlings in the Ocean then to the MG.
I never shop by brand, I just know what kind of properties I'm looking for in soil and ferts. I know skunky said specifically not to mix brands, but I'll just cross my fingers and read the label on the back of the bag.