
Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by holdmeclosrtonydanza, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    So I'm going through my neighbors' garage, and I open the refrigerator and what do I see? 20 dozen empty worm containers with the castings still inside!
    Can't beat freebies. Needless to say, I'm about 10 lbs of castings richer.
  2. rtyree

    rtyree Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Sweet! I use to fish alot and we bought worms like 4 doz and built a box for them we fed them coffee grounds, banana peels 1/2 cup of buttermilk a week and a couple other things that I can't remember. However we always had worms for fishing and soil for growing.

    Just a thought.
  3. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    I don't mind spending the cash on ferts and soils, but when you don't have to it's really an added bonus. Instead of dropping more money on soil and ferts, I can now purchase a really nice pH meter.

    So far, on this grow, I've spent nearly nothing.

    Lights - 150 bucks but I have 1 x 400w HPS and 3 400w MH

    Soil - 12 bucks

    Ferts - 40 bucks and counting.

    Containers - Free

    Electricity - Paid for by someone else

    Beans - 60 bucks

    So I'm into my setup for about 200 bucks. Not bad, since I expect to harvest over 1200 bucks worth of weed. And it's just the beginning.

    Growing your own is the best option for anyone who has the space, time, and a few extra bucks.
  4. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    good score danza i "grow" /farm worms my self cannadian nightcrawlers there huge and there left overs make some great tea,what do you plan on doing wiht the castings just adding to the soil?200$ aint bad do ya gotta digi?
  5. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    I don't have a digi...

    I want to buy one, but every time I think about spending the money on a cam I end up buying something else.

    My garden is getting picture-worthy, but like I said, I just spend the money on other shit. If I had the damned money to buy a cam, I'd probably end up spending it on new MH bulbs and more mylar... See? There's always a necessity that comes before the damned cam.

    I'll probably buy one next week. FUCK. I hate spending money.

    Canadian Crawlers are cheaper here than the red wigglers... All depends on where you are.
  6. rtyree

    rtyree Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    If I told you what I've spent on my room and it is strictly for personal use you'd probably puke. but in the long run I guess I've saved the real shit here is $4-600 pe oz. Growing the worms worked real well when I use to do soil
  7. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    hey danza you can get these lil cameras at wallmart for like 10$ the most crappyest camera of all time ,but i used it all last season and if you saw any of my pics there not that bad
  8. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm getting one off of ebay. There's a few 3.0+ megapixel Olympus and I think a few kodaks for about 40 bucks. I'd rather buy one of those and be done with the whole "digital cam" thing for a while and free up my finances for more growing shit.

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