Keeping the deer away

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by bobbybfunk, May 28, 2005.

  1. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    If you live in an area where deer are a major problem for your plants I have an organic solution for all of you. Get a 5 gallon bucket and fill it almost to the top and add an egg. Mix this with a paint mixer and but it in a spray bottle, spray your crops down and voi la! You have a safe organic way to keep the deer away the deer wont try to eat anything that smells like this although its not very powerful to your nose. The only problem with this is when it rains you have to re-apply.
  2. drunken monkey

    drunken monkey Veggy Stage

    Sounds feasible...
  3. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    It works for keeping the deer away what doesnt smell decent to them they don'e eat. My father has been using it on small trees he wants to grow for years but which the deer usually would eat.
  4. Sawz

    Sawz New Sprout

    only one way to do this is to piss around the plant or on your plants.
  5. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  6. Grower4life

    Grower4life Germinated

    Very true piss and poo are the only ways i know to keep Deer away because they can smell that the **** belongs to a meat eater they will stay away , BINGO
  7. Patz0852

    Patz0852 Developed Alternating Nodes

    I prefer my 30.06, but w/e floats your boat [​IMG]
  8. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    vegetable gardeners around here often make "hair sachets" to keep the deer out of their gardens. Clean out your hair brush..or the whole families hair brushes....and put the wad of hair into a piece of nylon stocking and tie it closed. then just hang it from trees and brances around the parimeter of the "garden". the smell of human hair will keep the deer at bay. You have to keep restocking the sachets though. The scent only lasts for just so long. I think my dad says he replaces his once a week. But it does work.
  9. Smoke and Pass out

    Smoke and Pass out Begun Flowering

    I would never put any kind of paint mixture on my plants thats like feeding them poison i hope you know what you are doing peace man :animbong:
  10. hes not talking about putting paint on them the post agian you pothead.

    Ive used a weak water and hotsauce mixture, but like he said b-4 .... it washes off with water. piss n poo work 2!
  11. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    If I dear comes near my house....doubt it I would just make a couple dear steaks....Muhahaha double barrel twelve gauge with dear slugs.

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