Leaving for 2 weeks in Hospital, plants alone, need advice

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Mauricio, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. Mauricio

    Mauricio Germinated

    Hi Everybody,

    I am leaving tomorrow for two weeks to start a HCV treatments and need your urgent input in my grow room set up.

    The closet is 3Dx6Wx9H; walls and floor are covered with Mylar and isolation material.

    The 4 older plants are 8 inches high under the a HPS 400, 12 inches from the top, pruned, and very bushy next to them are the 14 younger plants 1-5 inches high and under MH 400, 18 inches from the top. They are next to each other so they can benefit from both light spectrums.

    The light will be left on 24/7 and an automatic system will water them.

    Considering that they will grow unsupervised for two weeks, how high I should place the lights from the plants top?

    All question, input and advice are welcome and greatly appreciated.

    Thank you: D

    Picture: [​IMG]
  2. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Outdoor's,MJ can grow 2.5 cm's/1 inch a day,same with indoor's,so i keep my light's at least 16-18" off them to stop burn.

    Um,ya could try the FAQ's section,it's pretty handy. :wink:

  3. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Double posted topics...I responded to this in the Advanced forum.


    Nice, clean setup.
    2 weeks is a long time to be away from them. I don't see any ventilation system there. Where is the "automatic system" that will water them?

    It looks like you have plenty of space for new growth, but an extra inch or two might save problems later.

    Why are you running your MH and HPS 24/7?
  4. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Went here first Indy,my bad!
  5. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    strange how dat doesnt look like mylar :ponder: . mylar iz mo mirrorlike than dat. consider a new brand of mylar. . u cannot run theez systemz 4 24/7. reset timer 4 18/6 i'm sure u have sum pretty high power exhaust fanz (least 500cfm) cuz u got 8oow power. u need a ocisollatin fan inside. very nice growroom. put da lightz up high as u can since u got auto water. wut does it look like? i'm sure it waterz from da bottom. lemme see it plz.
  6. Mauricio

    Mauricio Germinated

    Hi Brad,

    You are right its not Mylar, its kind of plmber isolation material, cheaper tha Mylar.

    As the consenses is opposit to my plans, I am switching to 2 High Output Flo in 24 cycle.

    There is an ocisllant fan outside the closet blowing inside.

    The automatic water system is a wonder from

    You" target="_blank">http://www.hammacher.com/publish/70899.asp?promo=QSearch

    You can see the system installed here:

    You" target="_blank">http://img192.exs.cx/img192/4917/dscn15661nz.jpg

    You can also the four Gel sticks for watering from Home Depot in the 4 bigger plants.

  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I dono..

    Two weeks??

    I wouldn't leave my show up on it's own that long..

    My advice Safety first. Start over

  8. I Got That Dro

    I Got That Dro Germinated

    never go away an leave it alone for that long use your brain
  9. Mauricio

    Mauricio Germinated


    My Doctors kept me for 5 weeks instead of the planned 2 weeks.

    Originally I intended to leave the plants under 2 HPS 400 24H, but faced with the overwhelming warning and advice from you all about the fire hazard, I changed and I am grateful for those of you who took the time to respond and give advise.

    18 plants, the older one pruned, under 24h double High Output Flo (2 x 60 w) and 1 Wal-Mart Eco bulb 45 w  150 w, 2 Ft from the top, automatic watering system adjusted to last for 40 days and 4 gel/water spike from Home Depot for the 4 big pots and a fan.

    For 5 weeks, I had constant thoughts about coming back to find my car has been towed away, would not start and/or my Apt had been broken into due to water leak or fire.

    Actually, I get a stomach ulcer.

    Upon arrival late Tuesday night, I was pleased to find my car and it started right away, in my way home from the Airport to home, I was bracing myself to spending the night and many more in Jail.

    Out of the 18 plants, 14 survived, they stretched due to the Flo at 2 Ft away from the top, and were not doing very well, considering that they had only water for 5 weeks.

    Today, they are flourishing again after 2 days of TLC.

    This experience taught me to listen to advice and that the plants does not need the daily watering and fertilizing that I used to give them.

    Thank you again and Peace

  10. Guest

    Glad you are out.. 5 weeks is a long stay.

    I do think they can deal with harsh conditions including drought but, the way we baby our plants.. heh they live like Kings - for a short while [​IMG]


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