Legalizing in Denver?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by snickelfritz, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Ok... I was listening to the radio & a news break came on...

    They were talking about the city of Denver trying to pass a new ordinance that would allow ANY adult 21 or over to be able to have up to 1 oz of MJ without having to worry about being busted...

    Is there anyone from the Denver area that can confirm that story?
  2. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    If you find any truth in that,inform immediantly so I can start packing.
  3. Eisenhower

    Eisenhower Germinated

    2 minutes on google:

    "In the main event of the evening, council held a public hearing on a citizen-initiated ordinance regarding the possession of less that an ounce of marijuana. The proposal seeks the same legal treatment as alcohol. That is, it would decriminalize the municipal offence for those over 21, allowing procession of an ounce or less of marijuana. The bill would not, however, change related state or federal laws as they apply locally."

  4. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    Quote: from Eisenhower
    That is, it would decriminalize the municipal offence for those over 21, allowing procession of an ounce or less of marijuana. The bill would not, however, change related state or federal laws as they apply locally.

    I'd go vote. Good luck to Colorado.
  5. Octoberbuds

    Octoberbuds Begun Flowering

    hey bong omatic! There r already places like that in the US already. I know that Columbia Missouri is like that. I was thinking about moving there.
  6. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    WOO HOO movin to colorado
  7. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Denver, my hoooommeee sweeeett hooommmeee.

    Sounds like a plan to me. Need to talk to the wife. [​IMG]

  8. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead


    Quote: from Octoberbuds on 9:46 pm on Oct. 19, 2005
    hey bong omatic! There r already places like that in the US already. I know that Columbia Missouri is like that. I was thinking about moving there.

    Seriously? Columbia MO? Are you sure about this? We are house hunting at the moment. Columbia isn't too far away from me...
  9. Octoberbuds

    Octoberbuds Begun Flowering

    ya weed girl one of my buddies lives ther right now and that's what he said. It's the city that decriminalized the MJ not the state or county so there is still trouble to be had but not as much. I looked it up and the most you can get for having weed is $250 fine but in most cases I think they just let u go. you can have up to 1.25 oz's. My buddy has been busted with green but they didn't do anything. I think they just have too many college students getting busted with it so they just decriminalized it.

    (Edited by Octoberbuds at 10:40 am on Oct. 20, 2005)
  10. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

  11. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Just wondering if we will get the domino effect on this... If enough cities start to turn... Maybe counties will, then more States... **** the Feds!
  12. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I am sooooo Hoping this starts a domino effect PLEASE ! . Lets start a sign up sheet so we can all move to the same neighborhood [​IMG]
  13. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    go denver :bigok:
  14. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Till then pass the rolling papers.
  15. Stoned Sorcerer

    Stoned Sorcerer Veggy Stage

    Ermm that sounds good

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