Just thought I would pass this on to those naturalist. Ok now don't get all crazy and bash me. Anyway the only water I have access to is from a well, the water is very high in PH, well over 7.4. So when I mix up my water in 5 gallon pails I actually use Lemon Juice From Concentrate to lower the PH to acceptable levels. Works great and is cheap and natural. Take it or "leaf" it... LOL... Also, if you want a cheap way to test your PH level in water go to your local fish/pet store and pick up a tester for as little as 5 or 6 dollars and you will be able to do at least 50 tests or maybe 100.. I havn't run out yet....... Peace. (Edited by CanadianConnection at 8:42 pm on Sep. 8, 2005)
#Moderation Mode Makes sense since lemon juice is highly acidic. Thanks for the info. Gonna move this over to organics for us 'naturalists'. Moved here
lemonjiuce soundz like a good idea, but well water needz much mo than lemonjuice. wut bout da extremely high amtz of mineralz in well wtr & not 2 mention dat awful smell of it, which sum1 told me it wuz sulfur. not good 4 a plant. wut r u usin 2 decontaiminate thiz h20? do u use britta or sumthin?
SULFUR Sulfur is absorbed by plants as SO4, and it is a chief component of amino acids, essential for protein synthesis. It also strongly effects a plant's bouquet. Sulfur is a non-mobile element. Symptoms of sulfur deficiency are similar to nitrogen deficiency, except the symptoms appear first in the upper leaves: New leaves appear light green to yellowish. Small spindly plants. Retarded growth and delayed maturity. Referenced from: To" target="_blank">http://www.allamericanhydro.com/workboo....63 To answer your question, no I do not remove the sulfer.