lighting and chlorofill

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by tweed, Dec 18, 2004.

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  1. tweed

    tweed Guest

    i do organic. once plants have been transfered to hps side do you automatically cut lighting time or do you leave it the same and gradually cut lighting?

    for curing you are suppossed to let the plants rippen to the point were they almost start to lose chlorofill. how do you tell when this happens?

  2. Guest


    Quote: from tweed on 5:59 pm on Dec. 17, 2004
    i do organic. once plants have been transfered to hps side do you automatically cut lighting time or do you leave it the same and gradually cut lighting?

    for curing you are suppossed to let the plants rippen to the point were they almost start to lose chlorofill. how do you tell when this happens?


    That depends on what you are after. I assume you are starting to flower these plants?
    Well I'm a bit shy on the gradual photo period change but it sound interesting.
    If flowering is what you are starting then you can switch directly but, I don't see why you couldn't do the gradual.. It's not needed I believe.

    My only advice is to be sure it's dark. No LED's or cracks light can get in from.
    Lights on power strips are enough to delay flowering.

    Did that answer?

    For Curing you have a bit of reading to do.
    Have a look around this Site. The FAQ is a great place to start.
    There was just a thread on Curing I read well Today!! That will give you history and ideas. Anything you learn you can always share here.


    (Edited by Randy_High at 12:02 am on Dec. 18, 2004)
  3. slohand

    slohand New Sprout

    dudes this my be a little off the subject but i really like this phototron i just got last summer,in just 22 days after germ.all of my seedlings shot up 3ft. to the top of the machine.pretty cool huh?now iam into 31 days into flowering and even though i lost 3 out of 4 of my babys due to turning hermie. iam so glad i still have 1 left and its got 2inch buds all over, so far so good! any way this machine has 6 double flouresences at 28,000 lumens it seems to do the trick very well,anyway does anybody also have one of these and what do you think of yours. i need another bowl how bout yall? later!
  4. Stratocloner

    Stratocloner Begun Flowering

    First off , it's chlorophyll , any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms. Green . . . when it's not green anymore the chlorophyll is degraded . A slow cure in dark conditions will degrade the chlorophyll . Chlorophyll tastes bad when smoked , therefor . . .

    Second , it is standard practice to drop the lighting to 12 on 12 off , all at once , when you want to flower .

    Reasons behind this are, under artificial lighting you only get so much distance from the bulb before the loss of lumens is substantial . Look into the Inverse Square Rule , it's physics , and basically says that double the distance = 1/4 the light . Gradually turning the light back will only lead to a tall plant , what good is that ? Running the light back to 12/12 all at once you can count on a plant doubling or even tripling in size , and that's hard enough to contend with . Does that make sense ?

    Third , what do lighting schedules and curing questions have to do with Organic ? Just wondering . You might find more readers and answers to these sorts of questions in the Beginners section . Plenty of helpful folks there .

    Strato .
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    #Moderation Mode


    Third , what do lighting schedules and curing questions have to do with Organic ? Just wondering . You might find more readers and answers to these sorts of questions in the Beginners section . Plenty of helpful folks there .


    Moved here
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