I've always tested a PH of 7.0-7.2. That's just naturally with my set up and soil and water where she sits at. I've tried a couple of PH Down additives you add to your water and they never amounted to much. After consistent waterings with chemically PH lowered water I'll pull 6.8 at best. Soon as I ease up on the additives it crawls back up to 7 or a little higher. I know 7 isn't awfully bad but from what I understand 6.5 would be better. Problem is I've yet to discover anything that'll work. Looked into the dolomite lime thing but it seems that's more for someone trying to raise their PH not lower it. Should I live with 7 or does anyone have any suggestions as to what may have helped them bring their PH down? I mix my own soil so maybe there's someting I can add right from the start? Different topic...anyone use blood or bone meal in their grow? Local garden center just starting stocking it and almost bought some today. Looks to be a good nit boost with the blood meal and phos boost during bloom with the bone meal. Anyone use 'em? Results? Thanks for any input!
yep gypsum lowers ph like dolomite raises it try that..and for the blood meal and bone isuggest only using the bone fro flowering if u have 2 ive used the both befor in hot soil and the plants jumped out of the pot with dark luciuos plants but both products r scraped of the slaughter house floor so watch for inhalaytion it can be dusty but try it let me know what u think late matt
Hmmm gypsum. Very interesting. Haven't bought the blood and bone meal yet just seen it there yesterday thought I'd ask first. Sounds like it might be worth it though.......
add some vineger to your water and fert solution next time. your fert solution will be very base, so it shoul dslowly bring down the ph as they build up a little. a ph of 7 is perfect. Mine hovers between 6.8 and 7 all the time.
i agree, go organic. liquid ferts are junk compared to what blood meal,bone meal,and potash can do! buy that stuff and put it right in ur soil. also ask them if they have a bag of essential minor elements. i use these organic ferts every year, with very good results and never have a ph prob. once u have the right proportions of these ferts in ur soil, just water it with very clean water,and ur plant will do the rest. its not as difficalt as some people make it sound.bone meal and potash are important,and a 3 pound bag of essential minor elements is critical.but blood meal cuases mine to have bug and insect problems, so i use very little,and i compensate it with using shit from my farm. but blood meal will work just fine.
ph lower I always use Lemon Juice Concentrate to lower my water PH... if your sitting at 7 - 7.2 it is not that bad.. especially if your watering with something in the 6.5... that will provide the ability of absorbtion of all the essential nutrients.... a Ph of 7 while in veg growth is fine.. half way through flowering a 6.5-6.8 is perfect.... I prefer 6.8 but usually water with 6.5 and then it will creap back up to 6.8... On thing you may want to try is mix up your batch of water and all nutes... adjust your PH and then let it sit over night... re-test your water... you may find and interesting suprise in your PH which is going to demo why your ph is up at 7 again. I'll let you experiment.... Good Luck, and always have fun.