I just got some seeds from a site that just has auto flower plants. They took lowryder and bread it with ww.- afghan and 2 others. They say you get bigger yields and strength... will keep u posted.:icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:
nice catch, I LOVE WHITE WIDOW NO HOMO. But i dont have a clue what it will be like crossed with lowrider.:qright6: :qright6:
Yeah she truly screwd up my timing on my next grow so now i got a DP WW anfd a mazar getting a lil too much veg time. i'll be tieng them both down im sure once i can flip to 12/12. O and she likes MG alot TBH i ended up adding epsom salts to my nute water to get eough mg into her. And dont mess with them start the seed in the pot you plan on finishing in you dont want to stress them at all ... they dont get very big mine is 16 inchest at her top. I will grow lr2 (santa maria LR cross) again cause i like the stone but net time im gonna grow them campesino style and focus the plant on 1 or 2 cola. They branch out alot and aren't big enough to support all the budsites . Next time 1-2 cola. Mine hates heat really bad anything over 77f and she will curl. Cant think of anything else i can help ya with right now let me get stoned and ill come back