Making Hash 101

Discussion in 'Making Hash 101' started by Administrator, Sep 25, 2005.

  1. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    The other day I made this nice ball of hash from leaf trimmings I have been saving for a while now.


    Wawona wondered how I made it so I took the trimmings thru round #2 and took some pics as I went. I'll explain each step for everyone since I have seen some other posts asking how to make hash. Remember...this is just how I do it. I'm sure there are many ways to achieve the same effect. :animbong:

    Step 1: Crumbled dry leaf trimmings in my stashbox screen and sifted, swirled, and shook over a flat cookie sheet.



    Step 2: Using my blockbuster card ;) I scraped the keif into the first rough pile. This has contaminates in it so it shall go back thru the screen once more using the card to scrape the keif thru the sceen.



    Step 3: Having gone thru the second screening I scrape into a pile once more and transfer the keif to a small bowl (any cat hairs left are removed. :LOL: )



    Step 4: Next I take another bowl (larger than the first) filled 1/3rd with water and microwave the water till it boils. I then take it out of the micro and set smaller bowl containing the keif inside.


    Step 5: After a short time the keif will 'soften'....this is where I mash it alltogether till it holds together. You may need to reheat the water a few times and work it a bit till it binds.


    Step 6: Once it holds form I drop the lil brick into a sandwhich baggy and reheat the water in the bowl once again. the brick of hash (keeping all fingers and toes inside the baggy) is dropped into the hot water for short intervals. I remove the baggy from the water and work the hash into a ball. This again takes several attemps till it makes a nice ball.




    Final step: Last thing I do and I didn't get a pic sorry, is to mash the hashball into my palm kneeding it like dough. The longer you do this the darker the hash gets and the better it holds together. Eventually you get a nice ball once rolled between palms. You can tell I worked the first ball much more plus it's a finer grade being the first sifting.


    5 grams of really nice hash for my consumption. :animbong:


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