
Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by ismokejobud, May 8, 2005.

  1. ismokejobud

    ismokejobud Veggy Stage

    hey i have a constant supplie of cow manure....Is this good for fertilizing can i make like a tea of this as you can with guano and worm castings?? Please give me some advise i always have heard of manure being a good fert. remember i have never fertilized and i am stricktly an outdoor grower......If i can make a tea could someone give me a guide and tea-water ratio....Thanx
  2. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    yes it is good manure out some in a bucket like 5 gal 1/4 to 2/4 full and fill the rest with water and stir and get an air pump the one you can find on fish tanks there abou t8 $ for cheap ones but you will also need an air stone they fit on the end of the hose and and act like a filter (i think) for the air and put the hose at the bottom of you water/poo mixture and turn on air pump and let it sit with a lid on the bucket for about a week and you got some good tea :bigok:
  3. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud


    Before the natural ferts such as the various animal droppings preferred by experienced gardeners can become fetilizer, it must be dried, then composted for about a year. uncured manure will take Nitrogen out of the soil! It is great for conditioning poor soil. However, due to the imprecision inherent with natural ferts, good plant communication skills are necessary. For containergros, if mishandled, these ferts can get rotten/moldy, possibly introducing pathogens or attracting pests. I'd start a compost pile now, and buy some already processed **** for experimentation, and so you'll know how your homemade fert is supposed to look. Why do I feel like I have written this post before? You know, ouija view! I mean deja' vu.

  4. ismokejobud

    ismokejobud Veggy Stage

    yeah thanx earth girls you have answered this before in a different forum. But hey that shows you try to help everyone thanx-
  5. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    yes what she said^^^ and you can also throw stuff like leaves left over lettuce banna peels water melon shells and such makes great fert :bigok:

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