Miracle-Gro Takes over the World

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, May 5, 2007.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I just went to me local home improvement store.

    Miracle-Gro has every type of product I can think of.

    Peat moss enriched of course.. And Top Soil that isn't really just top soil it's a soil mix! Mostly sand at that.

    We are in for a Miracle-Gro hell this year IMO.

    Organic folks be careful buying products.. It may look right but with Miracle-Gro it is fair game to get you to buy what they make if they can.
    They don't always say Miracle-Gro.. The top soil was called Earth-Gro and if it wasn't for a slow checker this morning I might not have noticed that it was actually a soil mix and not true top soil.

    Damn Miracle-Gro to hell IMO.
  2. StinkyBuds

    StinkyBuds TooStonedToPost

    Right there with ya !!! I am a MG hater as well i dun care what there bag says its all chickenshit to me.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I'm not a big fan of wanting top soil and find a product called TOP SOIL and find it's a soil mix.

    Also their Peat Moss isn't just Peat Moss.

    Their stuff is called PEAT MOSS. It should be ENHANCED PEAT MOSS.

    So us pure Organic types don't need to fight marketing beyond the type of materials we buy.

    So yeah I'm beating a drum on MG but I'm not knowing what using their stuff is about or if MJ people will like it.

    LOL I don't feed MJ anything Blue... Or the like
  4. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    the person who taught me how to grow used org mg and mg plant food, me ill use it if i have nothing else i usually use epsom salt and other easy to obtain nutes
  5. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    many fine buds have been grown with MG. anyone says differently does not know.

    I know this for an absolute fact because I used it exclusively for a couple of years Bloombuster 10-52-10...and it's blue.
  6. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    yeah ive used bloombuster before ive got some nut burn but it still worked great but ive smoked some weed that was grown outdoors and was never touch by any nut or chemical and it was some of the best tasting weed .
  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well it's everywhere...

    I went to three places and there it all is...

    No more small bags of peatmoss now it's all MG peatmoss enhanced with chemical ferts.

    The forth place had some coco + peatmoss so that what I got.
  8. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    you dont have any plants nursuries around usually they have peatmoss cause they mix there own soil
  9. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Hey Randy (aka The Organic Medicinal Herbsman),

    I don't think anyone is buying MG organic soil and not planning on adding other things to it for a proper soil mix.

    MG being dominant in the stores is all about marketing. People love certain brand names, and for many non-mj growers, MG has not let them down.

    Speaking of mixes...I have the MG organic soil and I mixed in perlite. What else should I add? It is for my mother plants.
  10. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    That's the thing ther is one and they guy helping me didn't know what kelp meal was. Also on the shelves were MG products.

    I'm thinking I'll have to travel to hardcore old time places now to get those raw materials.
  11. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    So what does the soil look like? Heavy in peat or speckeled with wood bits?

    I like to add some fresh soil mix in a bucket then add some coffee, Azomite, Crawfords micronized compost, rice and feline pine pellets.

    What goes in a layer depends on what I feel I want to feed.

    Do you feed your soil?
  12. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit


    So far I've only watered the mothers. Should I start using nutes?
  13. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Sorry for the delay on seeing the thread reply.

    We have spoke in email but for the record.

    A living soil need feeding.

    I take a organic soil mix add a few handfulls in a bucket and add things like alfalfa meal, guanos, coffee, rice and what not depending on what I am wanting to get out of materials that are being broken down by living microorganisms.

    I think it's going to be hard to shine light on what Mother Nature does with all the products one can buy.

    Ready mad products are easy and I don't blame folks for using them..

    However, with Mother Nature it's a craft of the ages. A craft that rewards us with healthy and natural produce.

    So in short.. A soil that has that microherd active will turn to new materials layered on the top of the soil and in turn feed the plants.

    Ahh Am I making sense... ?

    I'm a bit tired now.. LOL sleep time..
  14. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I was referring to nutes like you can buy, ready-made in a bottle. I know that you use only compost material, but not all of us have the space or materials needed to setup a compost. So I was thinking of having just a few basic soil ingredients, then watering with nutes to makeup for any missing components.
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    MG plot to rule the gardening world uncovered!

    Yeah i hear ya randy on the MG conspiracy....my mums using their latest evil product called MG'moisture control' which supposedly keeps the "soil" at an optimum level.I know MG can be used for grows but once you use and see the benefits of organics then you suddenly realise just what a difference organic soil makes to your grow.Peace:potleaf:
  16. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey Randy Here are a few pics from a past post of MG organic soil.....



    The second picture is of the soil. Notice evenly it is broken up, no clumps at all very even consistency all I added was some perlite after the pic was taken.

  17. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Thanks Mrgreenjeans.

    It's a serious product placement issue.

    Even nurseries have their stuff.

    That slow nitrogen part... Aimed right at MJ growers.

    I'm wondering how safe and organic the chicken litter is.

    I don't recommend using vermiculite on the chance of asbestos however slim for something we smoke.

    I have reservations on chicken litter that contains toxins from pesticide or whatever has been used.
  18. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well there are many way to grow.

    I let this thread slip so I'm late with a reply. Pardon.

    Sure you should do what works for you.

    I use cranfords micronized compost in my watering's. It's so fine that it mixes well in water.

    To that I add liquid kelp, fish emulsion and brewed coffee.

    So yeah.. You can try whatever works!

    This organic soil stuff is underreported on grow sites so it's good to have a few places that have it.

    HHHG.. I use raw materials on top of my soil and water with mixes.

    I'm not above using a ready made product nor do I have a problem using say Schultz bloom mix if I have an emergency.
  19. dgreg

    dgreg BlueBerry

    I use MG all purpose moisture control soil and also feed my plants with MG blue water but there lookin good.
  20. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER


    RANDY my friend, and all who read this, "Ive grown a full Blueberry plant(Totally vegged it perfectly with 3 doeses of MG 3 years ago) so it CAN "work" But VERY VERY UNSTABLE to say the least, as in the colour of the Miracle Grow isnt even Green like its supposed to be, its gotta kinda PH embalanced colour of a kinda BLUEish Colour to it, with a hint of green...

    This meaning that the PH is off and it will have to be nurtued and embalanced everytime you wish to add it when it loks like that, so just watch all/Any of you that go n try n use MG if thats the ONLY thing you can get to use asof now, u MUST have DOLOMITE LIME for using this, and watching very closely to the foliage for burning of tips or anything like that...

    MG is just very unstable, and is NOT really meant for growing Marijuana anyways....IMO that is.....:sign13: :) :punk:

    Peace n RESPECT RANDY and all on the GK forums!!!


    P.S, The MG compost is probably MORE stabled PH on its "own" and much better off without the MG fertz!!! IMO again... But wouldnt use it at all anymore, EVER!!!:qbluewacko:


    ORGANIC SOIL AND ORGANIC FERTZ!!!:sign13: :) :punk: :punk: :punk:

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