I read the stories, but look at this. G13#1 http://www.ganja.co.uk/cannabis-seeds/doggies-nuts-cannabis-seeds/g13.htm
G13 like UK Cheese is clone only... Yeah iv seen summit similar to this online before but smarmy is spot on...the original G13 is now,like UK Cheese(thc levels 30%),is now only available in clone only form.Just like Cheese there are seedbanks that sell versions or similar strains called Cheese but they AINT UK CHEESE which is far superior as Useless and others have been informing me as i have been offered clones of it in the UK. G13 x Hash Plant is an incredible smoke though and one of my all time favs,im sure it is in my toop 10 strains ever smoked in the strains sticky thread. G13 is one of them strains that seedbanks claim to have replicated,etc but seeing as it was a secretive govt cultivation strain i find this unlikely as they would need to know the exact genetics and other important but classified details of how the govt came up with that strain on their 13th attempt at trying hence the 13 and G for governemnt. I saw earlier a GKer is buying Cheese but it aint anywhere near the UK Cheese,its called UK cheese cos thats where a batch of clones turned up that have been kept going ever since,it was basically a skunk#21 mutation of some kind. Anyone who offers you G13as the original in seed form are lyiong...although G13 X HASH PALNT is as close as you'll get sme ppl reckon cos supposedly a G13 clone m,anaged to turn up in amsterdam and thats how they came up with this strain allegedly but no IMHO G13 in seed form is one of those growers myths,just my :2c:...but the mr nice version kicks ass man,what a fuckin smoke!!!!
I've never heard of the breeder and they've only been around since 2004. Maybe ubb or TA knows them since they are out of the UK. They might claim to have it but I can assure you they don't
The "myth" is an interesting story. Not a G13 story per se, but back in the day, late 70's or early 80's, we used to hear stories of guys (Ole Miss students presumably) who would tie several treble hooks on to a fishing rod and cast over the fence into the govt. pot fields and reel in some herb