My 400W SOG, a couple questions

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by sublime0420x, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    The title explains it pretty well. Right now my grow area (pictured below) is budding 2 plants. a lemon skunk and a silver pearl. these are the plants left of my last initial crop but this time around i think i'm going to try a new approach in order to increase my yield a little bit more and have somewhat of a constant harvest cycle.


    This is a 3x3' area. Could i fit 20 clones inside this area? i only plan to veg them for a week (maybe two) after they take root. The strains i plan to use are white rhino, shishkaberry, and maybe a lemon skunk or a jack herrer strain.


    Temperature are pretty bearable. The lowest i've seen it dip lately is about 65 degrees during night and sometimes up to 84 during their daylight period.

    And lastly, i leave you with a few bud shots:biggrin:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Nice post..

    But the links to your picture server timed out... Huh... Interesting.

    20 clones? In soil blocks I'd say yes.. That's me area.
  3. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    Hmm...Sorry the pics didn't work out for ya. You're familiar using this method? I've been looking all over the net for someone else who does this. Are the results any better than utilizing the same amount of space for, say 4 bigger plants? And is 400w going to be able to take care of them?

    BTW, i looked in the faq...i think that SOG box is the shiat. And the hood reflector mod in the DIY section was also kick ass. I'm thinking of doing that to my batwing reflector.

    Until next time, keep 'em green:animbong:
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I've seen it done in that area with 1/2 gallon(I believe) square pots. Keep in mind you will get a larger yield over all but only small amounts from each plant.
  5. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    1/2 gal? wow! thats a pretty small pot. Thanks for the advice though, im glad someone has seen the end result already. It'll probably be about another 3 weeks before i can take cuttings from my white rhino and shishk plants, which will be right about harvest time for the lemon and silver pearl in there now.
  6. cracdamac7

    cracdamac7 Germinated


    I just wanted to tell you that those plants look good, (p.s. I'm jealous)
  7. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    Haha, thanks man! I'll be smokin one for ya. i'll post more pictures soon. I got to test out a little bit of that lemon skunk i snipped a week ago and i must say..yummmmm....a very nice lemon taste and a rock-your-socks buzz. :XXsmoker:
  8. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Are you serious Lemon Taste? Or Lemon smell?
  9. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    Yep! A lemon taste. Kind of like lemon pledge or something. It was a clone from a local buddy of mine. It's called Lemon G out here but i think it's the lemon skunk strain. very resinous (sp?) and citrus smelling.


    Taken just 2 hours ago
  10. sublime0420x

    sublime0420x Germinated

    Hey! hows everyone doin? sorry for the lack of recent updates but i've been busy busy busy:icon_bounce: my first 12 clones have rooted, i've taken 4x sishkaberry, 4x lemon skunk, and 4x white rhino. pics will be up soon! i harvested the silver pearl and lemon skunk. about 200g wet from the lemon and about 156g wet from the silver pearl. i'll have harvest pics as well for your viewing pleasure:) but in the meantime, i'll keep this updated, as my sog begins to take hold. peace out and keep 'em green!

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