my own worm bin

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by htownrecords, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    igot some worms in a bucket i put soil strawberies pieces of lettuce leafs that fell off my plants and newspaper on top its been about a month and im wondering if it gonna be good for my plant that been flowering for 25 days and i herd u have to sterilize it first how do u do that
  2. beer nuts

    beer nuts Guest

    I'm new to growing, but in some of the studying I've done, I saw a recomendation (from web article "beginners guide to growing marijuana")that soil should be baked in the oven @ 250 deg. for 1-hour to steralize. It said to moisten the soil prior to baking, and to watch-out, cause hot soil smells pretty bad I guess! Try @ your own risk!!

    I also saw an article about worm fertalizer. They recommended feeding some bread slices. Something about the simple-sugars from the bread being great for the soil once they are digested and expelled. Good luck.

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