my plant

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by htownrecords, May 25, 2005.

  1. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    i got a question about my plant im using two compact florescent bulbs around 42 watts each and i used superthrive every time i water and its about a month and ahalf and it just started to grow the white hairs and it has 9 leafs real thick stem only 3 leaves have fell off the plant the whole time growing it do u know what kind off bud i might be gettin from it? im trying to get some good ferts for it but all the stores around me dont have any of the good stuff
  2. Sawz

    Sawz New Sprout

    a mouth and a hafe of flowering. or is the hole plant that age? you need lumens try to use a HPS on your next grow and you will get way better results
  3. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Water with fert's at least ONCE a week,please,in between watering's just good old water,mj seem's to like it better that way.:ebert:

    Ok,what light cycle have you got her under?

    Any ventilation?

    A month and a half what ? :confused:

    As for ur fert's,don't ya have a plant nursery where you live as they stock a wide range of fert's.

    Give us some more info and you will get more replie's ! :wink:

  4. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    ^^^^ uh huh

    check pH and make sure your containers are big enough to allow an expansive root structure for big healthy buds
  5. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    its a month and a half old its under 24/0
  6. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    my bad its on 12/12
  7. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    so what about the 9 leafs does that mean anything or is that natural for some plants to do that
  8. DuffMan

    DuffMan Horticultural Technician

    it's totaly natural, i have even heard of some people getting 11 leaves on there plant.
  9. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    my friend grew a plant with the same seeds i used for the one i got he used 2 compact florescent bulbs and he got good bud from it defenitly was better then midis but it didnt look like the bud got to mature it was definetly time to take it down he dried it for a week an a half it looked good wasnt flat but it smelt like hay if i trim my plant just the bottom will it focus better on the top and will it grow big buds instead of small bud on each of the branches
  10. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    I dont get have only 9 leaves on your plant and you put it into 12/12 [​IMG]?? Sounds like you jumped ahead of yourself on this one. If your plant only has 9 leaves you should still be under 18/6 for like another 4 weeks.

    Maybe i just read your post wrong i dunno.........
  11. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    my plant was on 18/6 then it was sexually mature i wated a couple of days then turned it to 12/12 i got white hairs so i no its a girl
  12. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    one time my plant had 15 leaves bigger than my face!!!

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