Hey guys im thinking about doing an organic grow ive already chosen I want Fox Farms ocean forest soil. What other things should I use? I dont know what else to use with this soil that is still organic so if you guys could tell me what you mix with it thatd be perfect Thanks! ~PurePlaya~
Click the Dr.Chronic Link iv Posted at bottom of post. If you have foxfarm ocean forest soil,it is a good start,now get some quality perlite,fans and make sure your g/room has good ventilation,no light leakages and hps lighting and most importantly MYLAR(just google it for sites). It's a great optimum balance for growing and you'll hopefully get good results.If ya check out sites like EVEN Ebay's shop for instance.Go to american garden supply and follow the links (eBay Shop - American Garden Supply: Advanced Nutrients, FoxFarm Nutrients, Organic Nutrients), this will stock all you need in the way of nutrients and ya might even get a bargain into the deal!But better to keep reading for a renowned MJ site that sells the same nutes i use(BIO-BIZZ) There are also a whole load of other 'organic' stuff you could be using,personally the organic nutes i like to feed my plants are bio-bizz grow(during veg) then theres bio-bizz bud booster and bud bloom for later stages(12/12).I've looked out a link for ya and its from a 100%reliable and GKmember approved site(Dr.Chronic). This will take ya straight to the page you need,these nutes are ESSENTIAL to your grow being successful.Other stuff like chicken/bat guano and all that bone/kelp,etc aint really 'my cup of tea', i just stick to good organic soil with good volcanic perlite and i use these exact nutes in this link.I grow successful batch after successful batch using these products.Happy Growing. Heres the link,this site covers all your MJ needs.Peace http://www.drchronic.com/products.asp?category=Nutrients
If you are going to use their soil, go ahead and get their tri pack nutrients.. of the Grow Big, Big Bud, and Tiger Bloom ... many many grower's just love the stuff including their soil.. ..fox farms is good stuff.
tiger blooms good aswell.... yeah tiger bloom is real sweet stuff for sure.These products mentioned on this thread are among the best ones for you to be starting off with and they'll be sufficient enough to last you grow after grow.Peace
Thanks guys. Im going to look into Bio Bizz and Fox Farms then see what my wallet allows. Thanks guys! ~PurePlaya~
I was thinking about just going for all Fox Farms cuz I can pick it all up in a Hydro store thats only a 40 minute drive from where I stay so i dont know how organic that is im guessing all organic if im just using that? I was just going to buy a bag of Ocean Forest soil as my medium, Grow Big for veg, and Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom for flowering. So I think thats all organic. Im still a noob last grow I did was with just plain organic soil water and the sun in my backyard...
Heh.. I'm getting kinda hard core LOL.. I thank you for the refreshing honest reply. I don't know enough about those products but these guys think well of it and that works for me. Good luck.. I know a few things about natural materials.
I was thinking about going with natural things but thats to much work for me and not everywhere carrys all the things its just to much work finding and purchasing and finding the right ratios I think itd be a pain in the ass for me. haha but thank you all! Im waiting for my paycheck to come in and then im off to the hydro store Im excited gunna be the first time I actually buy anything for growing and the first time ill be able to grow good bud haha. Thanks guys! ~PurePlaya~
Save some green.. Blackstrap molasses is sold as many a thing at high markup. Healthfood stores have unsulfured for like $6
to the world of Organics... Blackstrap molasses. The third boiling of some sugars.. Do a google to get detailed info.. Plant stimulant under certain circumstances. Has a few minerals and vitamins. There is more to organics than a product. LOL
man thats to complicated for me hahaha damn...I think me n my buddy here have smoked a little more then a half O tonight...I dont like this shit its makin me sleepy and then when I close my eyes it gives me a tingly feeling in my chest and i freak out and get back up...Im not likin this man...im glad this is the last of the stuff I bought...Can someone tell me what kinda bud i gotta buy to get a more up kinda high instead of this shitty lazy scary feeling
its all in the timing of harvesting/curing IMO your really looking for some cerebral high MJ,which basically means it was harvested and cured earlier than normal so you dont get that heavy couchlock stone that you seem to not like...im the opposite i love it,although i dolike a thinking mans stone also at times.Peace
I dont know the feeling I had the other night was just weird I was stoned out my mind it was nice in a way but also scary. It was putting me to sleep and I had a tingling feeling in my chest that I didnt like when I closed me eyes it was freakin me out for some reason...But thank you for answering my question! ~PurePlaya~
what you are looking for playa is a more sativa dominate or a 50/50 sativa/indica strain. As far as black strap molasses goes, it's also a huge source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphur, and other goodies for your plants and the microbes in the soil. It cost a whopping 3 $ a bottle or about 6$ for a gallon of it. My plants love it , and yours will too if used in moderation and at the right amounts. man.. you need to go get you a nice grow book, cause you got lots to learn.. And if you want to learn about Organics, than start reading threads in the organic section here and other sites and you will enlighten yourself to the world of organics... There is nothing more rewarding than finally "getting it".
Thanks mr.wakenbake Ive been reading all the threads in the organic section since the beginning I havent read alot but im still reading them trying to take in all the information I can.
We have had a lull in the Organic section. What I find is Organic gardener once they catch on don't need much help. Nature has it's way. But just wait We have a FAQ to help out. I hope you will read it. PurePlaya420 And see if there is something I can add.