need some help

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by BassPlayer420, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. hey everyone from gk,i am a noobie here that needs some help. i currently have 4 seedlings growing they are about 1week old. they have been growing in reguler dirt for about 6days and i repoted them in miracle-gro organic potting mix they have been in that for about 2days..they have been growing pretty healthy it seems like 3 of my seedlings are a liter lime green but not to lite and 1 some what darker then the others. i have 2 23watt Flourescent lights on each of them and 3 small fans in my grow room which is in my closet.

    can anyone tell me if this is ok?
    and also,i was wondering can i add some blood meal and bone meal to the miracle gro mix without hurting my plants? and the water that i am using right now is the purified water that you can buy at the store with magnesium sulfate,potassium bicarbonate,potassium chloride . i know ill get some good info here i know gkers defintly know what there doing thinks and stay up

    btw if there is anything at all wronge with my lights or anything that is up ^^^ plz let me know besides the fact that im using M-G i noticed some peeps dontlike using it :smokin: :smokin: :icon_bounce:
  2. Mutt

    Mutt New Sprout

    I would not add anything to MG mix (except perlite to help keep it airated...or dolimite lime to help with the PH) or not. Slow release has been the downfall of many. Blood meal is high in "N"...that with the content of the MG it would most certainly fry it.

    More light would not be bad.

    Regular spring water from the store would be fine.
  3. thinks for the reply

    stay up:)
  4. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    I agreeeee....

    Do not add anything to! At one week, they are too young and are easily fried. The reason I do not prefer MG, at least for certain plants is the whole slow release ferts already mixed in...they tend to mess things up later...more perlite when you repot, about 50/50, and just a warning...Make sure the water is not softened water. The salt in softened water can be toxic to all plants. But, I will assume "spring water" is exactly that! And that would be good!(I'm spoiled, my tapwater comes from the side of a mountain....tap/spring!) Good Luck! :)

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