I’ve had this problem for a couple weeks now. I posted here before and some said it was a burn and some said it was a ph problem. I went out and got a ph meter and it has always read 6.5 which is apparently right about where you want it. I posted on another board and someone said it was a Nitrogen deficiency. After reading up on plant problems on a chart I got from here I’m starting to think that’s what it may be. The leaves first turned yellowish and then after a week or two some on the plant that I first noticed this on had some of the fan leaves start to turn dark purple. These pics are from the same plant, from just after the problem started and then from just yesterday when I took the pics of the darker leaves. I know I keep asking this over and over but its only because I’m getting different information everywhere. My fertilizer is tiger bloom which is 2-8-4. After hearing it may be a nitrogen deficiency I’m going to go out and get grow big which is 6-4-4. Hopefully this will help and I know it should help my vegging plants when I start again. Again sorry if this is getting annoying but with me getting such different information and not being to experienced I want to know for sure what the problem is and how to fix it. Thanks for any and all help.
try taking a pic from the side of the top and bottom sections of the plant. the mainstem doesn't show any purple so its more than likely not phosphorus, you said pH os 6.5 so there shouldn't be lockout. more than likely the purple showing through on the fan leaves is a nitrogen defficiency, so the plant has a slight under purple hue that can't be seen until the green is gone enough to where you can see it. may not be the case but i've had it happen before. how long is it in flower and how long has it been since you gave them any nitrogen. alot of peoples first mistake is transfering from veg to bloom ferts too soon. So tell me how long they have been flowering, last time you feed them a high nitro supp, and what dose per gallon have you been giving the plants? the rapid yellowing tells me that yes it is a N deff but hit back with that info maybe we can nail it on the head.
I am always learning but that doesn't look like a problem. The purple now isn't that a result of those products.. I've seen that sort of picture before. Leaves on the bottom will yellow and fall off during flowering unless you have mine.. They seem to stay green till I kill them LOL No that doesn't seem to be a problem... We need another opinion here.. Any use those products?
So skunky you think a little N then? Cool... I'm not sure what to expect using those products so pardon me.. Switching too soon? Cool too.. This old organic man isn't much help with that me thinks...
has nothing to do with the fox farm supplies its an under purple pigment that the green pigment covers up. Randy he specifically said that the leaves taken pictures of did that in a day. Leaves don't do that over a day unless something is wrong! if it were normal it would have occured over the span of a few days to a week not a day. nevermind randy i'm a dumbass and need to learn to read he didn't say it happened over a day. sorry bro. But man those hooked leaves are really making me think there is something up with the pH meter or something. should have disformations like that.
I am always learning but that doesn't look like a problem. randy give it up man.... i answered his problems on 420genetics.com.
No problem here. As MOD I want to give good advice and I'm trying to be helpful but I'm an old time style Organic guy so I worry about giving wrong advice. If I learn something today I will be sure to share the news tomorrow. So don't fear helping me learn something new.. I don't have a GIANT EGO I have to defend.
Hey ButtHead. He asked me to the thread.. Dumbass __________________ lol tru gk mod-ism. my ego was shot down by gk yrs ago... check out 420genetics.com where drama is nonexistant.