ola ! i kinda lost my previous account but i had 2 say hallo again! glad 2 say that fusion seeds is getting more and more ready 2 go active again ! soon more info glad 2 see u all again peeps!! greets hups
hey LEO, long time no see. contact MrGreenjeans about old account. you got more of that warzone going still??
Hey Leo, hope all is good. I just happen to be growing some blue chocolate right now. Hope all is well.
Lmao, so sorry, i was so stoned when i typed that. Mrg can get you back into old account. Hows things been, long time no see. Fusion stil going strong
I'll send you a pm with the acct info so you can log into your old account. Nice to see you. Nice to know fusion is coming back.
Useless let me know Fusion was coming back. I didn't want to say anything until he announced it. Now that hupla2 has mentioned it I'm all safe. Thanks hupla.
And we have several Fusions strains going amongst all of us I'm sure. Here's mine hup, Blue Chocolate stretching her wings!
A few Fusion Lemon Thai waiting to be sorted into parent plants. These beans were like 5 or 6 years old.