im fairly experienced and successful in growing my weed however i have decided to enter the world of organics. I bought the Soma book and it has a lot of good info using specific ingredients etc. Does anyone have any ideas or experience that they can pass on to me ? thanks.
Need4weed Check out the organic section in this site. I am sure there is lots of info there for you to check out for weeks on end 5150
Need4Weed, I have noticed that there are several different strategies that will work well for organics. My favorite is to first mix my quality soil medium with lots of perlite. Next I add nutrients and warm water at the same time like so until soil clumps in the hand, and brakes apart when poked: *1-2 tbs 12-0-0 Blood meal *per sq foot dirt. -high N, lasts until a week or two into budding. *1-2 tbs 0-12-12 Quality guano *per sq foot dirt *2 tbs 5-4-1 Liquid fish * " " " " *1 capfull (roughly 2 tbs) Liquid seaWEED * " " " "-good micro nutrients! This is a great base for plants that will not need to have anything added to it until late in veg, and again early in budding. VERY low maintenence. If plants are growing well a few weeks into veg, I may add a little liquid fish, just a cap or two (smelly stuff). Then right before they are put to bud, I add 2 tbs of 0-10-10 Alaskan mor-bloom (per sq ft) or something similar to really induce budding quickly and last a long time! **Always go light on the nutes, it's easier to add down the road if you see signs of defeciency. Always add smaller amouts of more ingredients than alot of one thing. Let us know how it goes! **I almost forgot, Keep that ph just under 7. If it goes higher, add a little liqid fish when you water. If it drops substantially, add some Calcium. (check water ph also) (Edited by Angry Iraqi at 8:11 am on Nov. 1, 2005)