organic foliar sprays??

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by matthew barrack, May 18, 2006.

  1. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    any 1 got good foliar spray for my organic girls late matt
  2. DroDro

    DroDro Veggy Stage

    i recently picked up some Advanced nutrient's Piranha & Tarantula and read on the label that they can be used as foliar sprays and was wondering if anyone has used these like this...
  3. hillbilly

    hillbilly Established Healthy Roots

    I use Terracycle Plant Food. It's basically worm tea. The guaranteed analysis is... N 0.03%, P, 0.002%, K 0.02%. It doesn't sound like much, but that's all I use and my plants do great. It can be used until the trichomes begin to form. After that I wouldn't use it for fear of washing them off or the extra moisture causing the plant to cut down their production. Just my 2 cents... If you don't want to buy it, just put a cup of worm castings in a gallon of water and leave it overnight. Strain the tea through a coffee filter or a clean rag. To increase the beneficial microbes, just stick an air stone in the tea for 6 hours or more. A spoonful or two of molasses doesn't hurt either. The microbes will remain active for 15 hours or so. After this it's still good, but doesn't have as many active organisms swimming around. They're either dead or dormant.
  4. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    i kjnow for a fact that SUBCULTURE from gh is turantula and piranha mixed the gh rep showed me this ...but i dont think u can its more of soil hydro thing but try it late matt
  5. mbwiseguy

    mbwiseguy Begun Flowering


    i spray my plants with water twice a day (seltzer water) and have never had a problem with washing trichomes off
  6. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    you know for a "fact" that subculture is pirahnaa and tarantula? As much shit as Larry brooks talks about AN and you think he buys, and then imports product from them when he has a full team of chemists and production facilitys? That makes total sense. Did the rep tell you also about the rassleberry waterfall and the trip thru heavens chimney in the ufo brand flying saucer? Makes sense Larry would campaign the hardest to remove AN from the HMA, and then fund them. Is it possible that the "rep" is just a lying asshole who will also tell you what a great and concentrated product diamond necator is? (go ahead, read theconcentration on the back of the bottle, I know you have one). yes I guess that the GH chemists really do use AN products...must be saying they know how tired there shit is and how clean and concentrated AN more chocolate milk and mint plants for the grow room. I have land available in florida and several bridges for sale if anyone is interested. and whats a "soil/hydro thing" when discussing foliarsprays?
  7. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    easy there zorro no i dont use diamond nectar i use mad farmer nuts for humic or liquid karma and yes read the piranha and turantula labels it is the same fungases and bene bacteria so calm the fuck down crazy u must love tha a & n guys a lot ...almost all the nute companies use about the same thing remember the point is to grow pot so u need somewhat the same nutes einstein keep postin your brilliant ideas we really r influenced by your decisions late matt

    oh ya thanks for ruinin this post lame
  8. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    not tryin to ruin you r thread buddy...but why even pose the question if yo uknow all the stuff is the same? what are your specs for "organic" do you mean OMRI certified? is "organic based" good enuff? besure to ask your gh rep why they dont use reagent grade pharmacuetical bases and ingredients. im sure its all the same tho. I cant find any "ideas" ive posted, just results.
    rtyree likes this.
  9. matthew barrack

    matthew barrack Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    organic not based on organic,,i.e poop kelp etcetc and it aint my rep just talked to him and yes i will be sure to ask him hes probably gonna say something like there ingredients meet all us standards blah blah lblah i really dont care and stop postin if u have no answer late matt
  10. donny

    donny Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    so "us"grade = pharmacuetical grade...interesting

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