organic pesticide

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Jesus, May 13, 2007.

  1. Jesus

    Jesus Gathering Disciples

    Hey, do any of you know of any organic pesticides or anything I can use to protect my plants from insects? I'm starting an outdoor grow, and ,of course, it has to be organic.
  2. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    There are lots out there, just look for stuff that's safe for use on garden vegtables. Your location will have an impact of course on what you need because you will have different pests present in different parts of the world.

    There are also lots of options that are not products (insects and nematodes etc.) but I don't really know what you are trying to treat, or how it would work outdoors. I used a couple of different sprays (Organicide (smells like fish) and Safer vegtable spary) and then nematodes in my indoor space to treat fungus gnats but that's as far as my personal experience goes.

    Good luck!
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    There are many things to use like soap.

    It depends of what pest you have.

    I don't know of any all purpose organic pesticide.
  4. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    when plants are little guys, we'll cover them with a white fabric sheet, held up by bent metal rods. it lets plenty of light in and will protect them from pests. After the plants get bigger they can handle pests without worries, unless its an insect setting up shop and trying to dominate my plants, which doesn't happen very often. We'll take the cover off and let them carry on their business.

    those sticky fly traps work well too. Just make sure to pack them out when the seasons over! no use in leaving trash at grow sites
  5. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer


    anyway, soap works wonders on many a little pest.

    in asking for organic, I assume you are woried about smoking pesticides? well, as long as they are not flowering there is not a worry in the world...soak em down with bug juice.

    I would definitely avoid pesticides within a few weeks of harvest and make sure a good rain hits them....

    also, I've smoked thousands of aphids in my time....hell, they feed on THC anyway...shake a bunch off, a bunch stay for pipe fodder
  6. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  7. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

  8. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    I just recently posted about pesticides on outdoor plants in this thread

    For about the last 10-12 years I've used 5% sevin dust on my outdoor grows when they are young and in the veg state. This is the time when my plants have been the most vulnerable. Insects in my part of the world are so abundant and have such a ferocious appetite for MJ that nothing purely organic has worked for me.

    I apply sevin lightly to my plants up until they get about 5ft tall or so, or until they start to sex. Usually most insects won't cause major damage to a plant after they get some size on them. It's when you are trying to get them big that they can really hurt growth/yield. After they are big, an insect won't affect yield as much by eating leaves.

    Cutworms are severe here. Using sevin blocks them from even getting started in your area.

    If you rinse off the sevin and flush the plants well before flowering begins, will never even know that sevin was used on the plant during veg state. I have NEVER noticed a difference between any MJ that had sevin used on it during the veg state or that didn't. I hate the thought of using a pesticide as much as anybody, but I've tried a lot of diff shit. I can only say that sevin worked for me every time, and never affected my smoke. I've had numerous peeps tell me that I had the best tasting smoke they ever had the pleasure of tasting.

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