Organic Q

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by MOB, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. MOB

    MOB New Sprout

    Well i went down to the local nursery and bought some organic nutrients:

    All of them are from a company called Whitney Farms:

    Kelp Meal-1-0.1-2
    Blood Meal-13-0-0
    Bat Guano-10-3-1
    Prilled Dolomite Lime
    Alfalfa Meal:2-0.5-2
    AND Granulated sulfur.

    Now you and I both know i dont know to much about organic growing, but im getting a good idea thanks to all your info. Blood Meal and Bat Guano are both high in nitrogen, how does that work. I basically want an idea of how much and when i should be feeding my plants with these nutrients. Im growing in 3 gallon pots with Ocean Forest soil, my plants are seedlings and the soil has not lost its ZING yet. But plants tips are yellowing. And wheres the Potassium at. What i dont get is how would i feed differently in veg and flowering. Oh are the nutrients even decent that i got, THANK YOU for taking the time to read, i appreciate your kindness to the subject, im a rookie and your a vet, You got to teach me how shit goes down. Oh yeaa, what do you thing about EB stone organics ALL PURPOSE Plant food(5-5-5)
  2. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    No bone meal? also, you can get bat guano in high phosophorus form too.
  3. MOB

    MOB New Sprout

    i can get bone meal, but wont there be too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus. I can look for high phosphorus bat guano, but what else can replace it. Im only growing 3 gallon pots, the directions for use are for gardens, sq ft. How should i apply all these nutes.
  4. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Check out the faqs in the organic section, helped me alot starting up organic....But I prefer making a tea
  5. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Or you could take all that shit back and get yourself a good nutrient line..... for cheaper.. that will work just as well without all the hassle.
  6. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    bone meal has low nitrogen and high phosphorus.
  7. brand

    brand Begun Flowering


    What mikey said for sure.
  8. slag

    slag Germinated

    if u use tap water,let sit for 1-2 days,to get rid of chlorine,that kills good bacteria,for a all organic grow and if you add lime per gallon to ur soil,ph should not be a factor.most food directions are by the gallon. peace barney/
  9. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Don't double post the same topic in multiple forums or you could miss responses or have your threads deleted. I posted on this topic in the Beginner Lounge.

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